Hidden Purpose

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Hey guys, Sorry for the late update I wasn't feeling well the past few days🥺 I hope you'll like this chapter🥰❤️ Thank you for your votes and comments🥰🥰

Enjoy your reading✨


The sound of birds chirping pulled me out of my deep sleep, My eyes fluttered to the ray of sunlight creeping through the curtains, The addicting fragrance was caught by my nostrils I inhaled a deep breath taking all of it.

The warmth of his body engulfed mine, I glanced at the tiny little thing snuggling close to me while his head lay on my chest and his eyelashes falling beautifully on his rose cheeks.

Sometimes I wonder how I married this sweet angel and made him consumed by me, I ruined his innocence and made him a sucker for pain for me.

I stretched my hand and brushed off his dark long bangs while I petted his forehead gently, He's so perfect in everything, His eyes, Nose, and lips which I would want to kiss forever and devour his honey taste.

I printed a soft kiss on his lips, He shifted in his sleep, and I chuckled at his cuteness as he stretched his hands like a little kitten who just woke up from a deep sleep.

His lips drew into a thin line as his eyes were still closed, what a naughty kitten.

"Are you awake my angel?" I asked in a teasing manner.

"No" He uttered simply while still shutting his eyes with a bright smile on his flawless face then he tossed on the other side.

"You were amazing last night~" I whispered in his ear seductively gaining his attention as he opened his eyes wide all of a sudden.

"Ha? What night? Let me sleep!" He got flustered and smashed his face into the soft pillow.

Now he's acting all innocent after moaning my name loudly like a bitch in the heat last night? That's only Pete's thing to do, I smirked feeling the strong urge to tease him about it and see his red tomato face early in the morning.

"I think all the people in the house heard you moaning my name last night, What do you think Pete?" I murmured amusingly.

"Shut up! No way! Vegas!!!" He exclaimed with shyness while his face heated up after he removed the pillow and hit by face with it.

I burst out laughing when I saw his reaction, He was adorable.

"Vegas! Don't laugh! I'm gonna beat your ass!" He frowned and then started hitting me with the pillow, The tears swelled into my eyes from laughing too much.

"Okay, Okay! I give up" I said raising my hand in surrender.

He glared at me as he stopped hitting me with the pillow but still sending daggers at me, He looked cute rather than scary.

"Pete..." I called.

"What??" He yelled.

"I'm being serious! I received a call late at night that the whole house couldn't sleep and we should keep it down so they could sleep!" I said seriously while he looked at me with widened eyes and the nervousness showed on his panicked face.

"Oh my God Vegas! This is so embarrassing! What should I do now!" He started grumbling while thinking deeply with a concerned face.

"I have an idea!" I exclaimed.

"What??" He asked urgently paying attention to me like his life depended on it.

"How about you let me fuck you again but this time we can go higher!" I said with all seriousness and his face dropped and he looked like he was about to kill me.

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