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Hey guys, Sorry for the late update I got caught up in a few things, I hope you'll like this chapter, Don't forget to share your opinion about it🥰🖤 Thanks for all your votes and comments it makes keep going❤️❤️

Enjoy your reading✨


"How the fuck did that happen?? Ha? Answer me you fucker!" The young man yelled with bitterness he was fuming with anger and disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Please don't kill me! I will make it up to you...I swear!" The other guy was crouching on the floor with his head looking down, Tears fell uncontrollably as his body had already given up on him.

"Make it up? Can you then bring the dead back?" He questioned with evident anger radiating from his words as he grabbed the other's guy hair backward and pulled with roughness.

The other guy groaned with pain, He was shaking with fear, He knew that there was no way out of this hell, His ending was approaching because vileness was always on top of this world.

"Ha?? Can you?? Can you reform the ashes?! Answer!" He shouted as he sent rough kicks toward the man.

"Kill him!" He ordered with a cold demeanor, His hands were shaking with anger.

"Please...Please...I have family...Please don't kill me...I will do anything!" The man begged and wailed as he crawled on the blood-drenched floor moving towards the other and clutching onto his legs.

The man kicked him harshly in the face smashing his face into the ground.

As he was making his way out of the room the multiple sounds of gunshots echoed through the thin walls of the dirty cell as the blood scent wafted through the air hitting the man's nostrils.

He didn't even bat an eye.

He walked back to his office calmly until he exploded with sudden outrage tossing all his belongings on the table to the ground.

"FUCKING VEGAS!" He snapped Angrily out of the blue he broke down on the floor next to his desk.

"I will kill you...I will fucking kill you!" He swore repeatedly with fury as his face turned red and his nerves were about to burst out.

"I will kill you in the worst way you can imagine..." He declared breathlessly, Nothing can compare to the resentment and anger he's feeling at the moment.


I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him standing in front of me, My eyes widened in shock while I was about to get another painful punch but...

"VEGAS!" His voice rang through my ears shaking me out of my deep trance.

"Don't!" I exclaimed in disgust and shock, My heart was beating loudly against my chest and my breath heaved as I grabbed my dad's wrist before he could lay a finger on Pete.

I was shocked by my reaction...I stopped my father before he could hit Pete who stood between us to stop my dad.

I wouldn't stand someone laying his hand on him not even my dad!

His eyes widened in disbelief as they shot daggers at me, and I could witness the rage radiating from his eyes.

"How dare you?!" He shouted and yanked my hand away I looked at Pete and he looked scared and startled.

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