His Dark Side🔞

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hey guys, I hope you'll like the chapter it's nearly 6K words, and tell me your opinion of the story so far, a lot of thrilling events are going to happen to start from this chapter🤭 Thank you for all your votes and comments guys🥰❤️❤️❤️

Enjoy your reading✨

⚠️dabcious consent, Non-consensual sexual content, BDSM🔞


"What's your condition?" I asked, I really wanted to go and enjoy my friend's company I miss them so much.

I missed those days were we used to have a lot of fun together, I missed studying with them, and Most importantly I missed college.

"let's have some fun before going out" He came closer with a grin on his face.

"What fun?" I asked clueless about what he meant.

"I missed your body...I missed your moans" He said seductively trying to lure me in, What on the earth is he? Is he a monster? He fucked me for two days long and still not satisfied!

I promised myself that I wouldn't give in again to him even if I needed to fight him!

I can no longer do this anymore, I feel like my body is tainted now, I shouldn't be letting him do whatever he wants, I'm not his bitch!

He extended his hands toward my face and gently caressed my cheek making me shiver and have this weird feeling again.

I tensed when I saw him leaning slowly towards my face his eyes fixated on my lips only, I should do something now!

"Uh...Vegas!" I shuttered as I turned my face dodging his kiss.

He glared at me with dissatisfaction, looking angry that I interrupted him.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking irritated.

"I...I don't want to..." I gathered all the courage to be able to reject his needs but I was a bit scared of his reaction that I kept my face down unable to look him in the eyes.

"And why is that? Are you not in the mood?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"No...I just don't want to have sex with you anymore" I admitted and his face dropped at my response he just didn't expect this answer from me.

"Oh...Then what about the other night?"

"It was a mistake...That shouldn't happen again" I blurted out.

"A mistake? So you're telling me that you regret it?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes," I uttered.

"Fine," He said bluntly, I don't know if he was mad or just let it go.

"Get ready so I can take you to your friend's house" He ordered with an unreadable face, I don't know if he was angry with me or if he didn't mind touching me again.

I nodded and went to get ready after I finished he dropped me at Porsche's house and said that he would come to take me at 10, But he didn't even speak a word of me during the ride.

I kept thinking about his empty response to my confession, It's weird that he didn't even get angry or try to have his way with me or not even shame me for having sex with him at first then deny it.

He must think that I'm a bitch now who does nightstands.

I knocked on my friend's house and after a few knocks the door opened.

"Hey man, I missed you!" Leo my friend from college said once he saw me.

He hugged me and then let me inside.

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