Wild Animals

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Hey guys, Here's another update I hope you'll like it, Thanks for all the votes and comments don't forget to drop your opinion on this chapter as well☺️❤️❤️

Warnings!⚠️ Selfharm, Mention of blood.

Enjoy your reading✨


After two weeks...

I was in my room preparing my suitcase for the trip and I was so excited about this trip and couldn't sleep thinking how much fun I would have there and also it was the best vacation after exams!

Today is the day and I can't wait to get there already!

I prepared everything and took a shower and wore something comfy so I don't feel hot on my way there I didn't want to sweat when I just took a shower, So I just wore a mini shorts and a white tee.

I walked downstairs and put my suitcase near the main door as I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Porsche's number, Waiting for him to come and pick me up.

While I was waiting I heard footsteps approaching behind my back, I turned and saw Khun Gun there, eyeing me with a frown on his face.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he took a few steps forward towards me, I got nervous because our relationship wasn't the best since I settled here.

"Uh...I'm going on a vacation with my friends" I responded politely.

"Your friends? Does Vegas know about this trip?" He asked squinting his eyes at me with suspicion.

"Uh...Actually...I..." I shuttered not knowing what should I say and how can I tell him that!

"Are you going behind his back? Don't ever think about cheating on my son because your punishment will be the end of you cause you'll be dead" He warned me maliciously making me flinch in fear at his words, Will Vegas really kill me if I cheat on him?

"Vegas isn't a normal guy you meet on the streets, He's ruthless and he could get rid of you without a hint of mercy, Of course, you know how he is," He said.

I shivered but deep down I knew that Vegas wasn't the kind of person who would do this to me, He has changed a lot and Khun Gun denied this fact just because he couldn't accept his son if he changed for the better.

"I...Know..." I uttered with a titled head.

"Ah, And don't think that because you're married to him that gives you the right to think that he loves you or cares about you! This is just a business marriage and Vegas never loved anyone in his life before so don't raise your hopes too high" He said in a harsh tone, I felt disappointed at his words and I don't know why I thought I didn't care if Vegas will love me or not.

"Do you understand now? Or should I repeat those words to you every day?" He said mockingly.

"I...Understand, Khun" I said while I couldn't look him in the eyes because he made me feel disgusted.

"Good then," He said then walked away leaving me puzzled and confused.

"You didn't stop until you did what was on your mind, Right?" I heard Vegas's voice and I looked in
his direction and saw him leaning on the stairs...

Flashback two weeks before...


"Hurt me Vegas...Make it hurt"

I woke up from sleeping sweating and panting hard...

"Fuck!" I muttered under my breath, So it was just a wet dream! I never thought it was a dream because everything felt so real, I even felt his kisses, the heat, I even had a hard-on at the moment.

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