Victory Or...

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Hey guys, I hope you'll like the chapter, I'm not so good at writing action scenes so tell me your opinion so I can improve myself more🥺❤️ Thanks for all your support I appreciate it all🥰❤️

TW: Mention of blood, Death.

Enjoy your reading✨


I woke up early because today I had to drop Pete off at the college, I couldn't get out of bed for a little while because I was feeling exhausted, I couldn't stop overthinking all night so much was going into my mind, My Father's words, Today's attack and most importantly Pete.

I had a severe headache and I still can't stop thinking, What if I failed today? Will Dad be able to forgive me one day? And Pete I can't prevent him from going to college because of the exams and I'm scared that he will be in danger.

The sound of a ringing phone startled me, Who was calling early in the morning?

Ah, it's Pete, He just wanted to wake me up so he wouldn't run late, I picked up the call and heard his comforting voice...I really love his voice.

"Are you awake?" He inquired.

"Yeah don't worry I will just have to take a quick shower" I responded with a sleepy voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked, I felt concern in his voice.

"Yes, I just woke up, that's why" I cleared my throat and tried to sound more clear.

"Oh...Are you sure you're okay? I mean...Your arms?" He asked worryingly.

"Pete, Don't sweat it, I'll be fine I promise," I said wholeheartedly.

"I'm not...Okay get ready then wait for me downstairs" He answered briefly and then hung up the call.

I really miss him... can't I just take him in my arms and sleep? I miss his scent...His kisses...His hugs...His... Ahh, that's a deep torture!

"Please, Forgive me for God's sake, Pete!" I mumbled loudly and suddenly the door opened in the same exact time...Fuck!

"Are you okay?" Pete said dumbfounded.

Did he hear me? Oh God!

"Ahh, Yes! I'm totally fine I was just yawning...Haha, you know..." I shuttered nervously as I jerked from bed, I don't know how he reached here fast when he was just talking to me on the phone!

"I just heard you shouting...So I thought you were talking to someone" He started.

"No..No! I was just feeling...Never mind..." I scratched my head and he gave me a confused look.

"Okay, I was just passing by that's how I heard your voice" He explained.

"Oh, Really? I mean...That's fine! I will just go to the bathroom" I don't know why I was shuttering like a schoolgirl who's talking to her crush! Damn Vegas, You've really changed!

"Wait! I will treat your wound" He said surprisingly, I didn't expect that.

"Oh...No need, I can call the nurse" Stupid Vegas what are you saying? Just let him treat your wound, You wished you bastard! I kept cursing myself.

"No, I will do it, I came here for this, I'm responsible for your injury..." He said before he walked in and took the wound dressing from the drawer.

"Take off your shirt" He ordered, And I don't know why it sounded hot to me.

I did as he said and he sat on the edge.

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