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Hey guys, Another update is here! This chapter is long I hope you will enjoy this chapter and please tell me your opinion it encourages me to go on with the story thank you for all your comments and votes🥰🥰❤️❤️

Enjoy your reading✨


I froze in my place speechless, I felt puzzled and lost, it was impossible that Pete would do such a thing, I just couldn't get this straight to my head I know Pete is not that type of person and he would never do that even if he doesn't love me.

I was in deep thinking while my eyes were glued to my screen, I kept staring at the picture displayed in front of me with anger and jealousy I clenched my fist trying to contain my rage I was scared to do something I might regret later.

Most importantly I don't know who's that fucker who send me this picture is, The number is unknown and I tried to call and send messages but the phone was turned off afterward, The bastard turned it off after sending the picture!

should I just confront Pete about the picture? The thing is that I'm scared to hear something I wouldn't like and then I might not be able to control my temper and I'm afraid I would hurt Pete if that picture was real and not fake, I wouldn't take it if I knew that someone touched his lips and it wasn't me who touched it.

I'm afraid I will lose control and lay my hand on him if it turns out that he's cheating on me with my sister, Then I would not care if it was my sister or anyone in this world...I won't have mercy on that person.

If I asked my sister I'm sure she would deny it immediately too...

"I took a bath and you're still in the same spot? I was waiting for you inside!" Pete walked out of the bathroom wet with a towel hanging around his waist, He was sulking.

"I got a call" I uttered, My eyebrows furrowed in irritation no matter how I tried to hide the way I feel at the moment.

He raised one eyebrow while squinting his eyes at me with confusion still having pouty lips on his face, He dropped the shirt he was holding and walked towards me slowly with a faint smile.

"It's okay...We still have time~" He said in a flirty tone while hanging his hand around my neck I was still frowning, He didn't wait for my response as he leaned down and nipped on my neck.

I wasn't in the mood but I still felt lightheaded from his kisses.

"I need to take a shower" I let out.

"No need, You smell damn good anyway~" He breathed against my neck still could feel his smooth lips grazing against my skin.

"But I still need to" I lift my hands slowly and place them on his chest gently pushing him back, He gave me a confused look once he pulled back and then his confused face was replaced with a pouty one.

"Fine!" He said pursing his lips in disappointment.

He walked to the closet and started looking through my clothes to wear something, I'm used to him wearing my clothes, He often would wear one of my shirts without wearing anything underneath, Because my body size is bigger than his which makes the shirts look like an oversized dress on him.

I watched him as he removed the towel from his waist revealing his smooth curvy body...I can't be thinking of fucking him when I just saw this picture! What if he was cheating on me?! Vegas you should control your desire now, I can't touch him unless I know the truth first.

I tried to avert my gaze away from him as my eyes fluttered and my lips narrowed, I shook my head slightly and then made my way to the bathroom.

I let out a sigh I couldn't see him much longer without understanding what was going on, There were so many questions running through my head at the moment but I couldn't help but hope that this photo was fake or there was a sufficient explanation to that picture just then I would feel at ease.

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