Lose It All🔞

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Hey everyone, I hope you will like the chapter don't forget to tell me your opinion about it I'm curious👀 And thank you for your votes and comments on the past chapters🥰❤️

Enjoy your reading💕✨


I didn't expect that to happen at all When Pete kissed my cheek softly, I moved closer to him and leaned down and kissed his cheek softly but I didn't pull back, I moved my lips from his cheek leaving wet trails behind and I felt him froze in his place as he shut his eyes melting, He started to get dizzy.

My lips moved from his to his jaw then I stuck my tongue and dragged it all over his neck, I don't why I was doing this but I felt hot.

I sucked on the skin earning breathy sounds from his little mouth, Suddenly I was being pushed slowly to the wall until my back got hit gently I looked back at Pete in shock but I couldn't react as he yanked the hem of my shirt, and then slammed our lips together...

I was stunned by Pete's eagerness, The way he pulled me in for a kiss was the first time he had done something like that.

I shook myself from the deep trance and kissed him back almost eating him up as he whimpered.

there was something in the air that made him feel excited and horny all of a sudden.

Our lips collided firmly in a rough wet kiss, Nasty kissing sounds filled the place as I lifted his legs and circled them around my waist Pushing him firmly against the wall.

I broke the kiss and he looked dissatisfied.

"Let's go inside" I took his hand and we went upstairs.

We started kissing as we were walking down the hallway, I couldn't wait until we reached my room.

"Did you hear that?" Pete said breathlessly after breaking the kiss, There was a loud thud.

"I guess someone saw us" Pete said feeling anxious about someone might have seen us kissing.

"Don't think about it let's go inside" I said then pulled him to my room after shutting the door behind us.

I joined our lips again I couldn't get enough of his sweet taste, He tasted like chocolates and mint.

We kept sucking each other's lips until we reached the room, It was so intense that we didn't even break the kiss, I carried him to the bed while still kissing him, pushed him onto the bed, and topped him.

"I've been waiting for this moment for so long," I said breathlessly because of our rough kisses.

He went quiet and then pulled me down for another hot kiss as he parted his lips and let my tongue inside his warm mouth, I made sure to taste all of him, He tasted as sweet as I imagine the mixture between mint and chocolate was doing something to me, My dick hardened just from kissing him, I was so excited to fuck him senselessly.

I probed inside his mouth and let his rich taste lingerie on my tongue, He didn't waste any time and began to suck on my tongue slowly taking his time and earning a groan from me, That was so hot, he's so experienced with his mouth that I wanted him to blow my length the same way he's doing with my tongue.

After ten minutes of hot kisses, I broke the kiss just to savor his neck, He moaned when my tongue made contact with his skin I knew he loved it when I moisturized his neck with my tongue like this, He has an extremely sensitive neck and I noticed it since one-day marriage.

"Wegath..." He whined as I start to suck on his neck taking by time until a red dark mark emerged, I wanted to mark him so bad that I ended up sucking every inch of his neck and he was enjoying it to the core as his moans and whimpers didn't stop.

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