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Hey guys, Sorry for the late update, I hope you'll like this chapter don't forget to tell me your opinion about it, Thank you guys for all your votes and comments🥰🥰❤️

TW: Death, Blood

Enjoy your reading✨

Flashback to the nightclub...


It was after Vegas left the nightclub leaving Pete with Black and Pim to enjoy the rest of the night clueless of what could happen on that exact night that would lead to many things after.

"Did you like the place, Pete?" Black asked when he was alone with Pete.

"Yes, it's great and kind of energetic too!" Pete answered with a noticeable excitement in his voice.

"That's great! How about we grab another drink and enjoy the rest of the night" Pim came in and asked Pete but once he saw her his face changed instantly in disappointment.

"Yeah, it's a good idea! What do you think Pete?" Black added.

"But Vegas said I shouldn't drink too much..." Pete said hesitantly as he was scared to get drunk and Vegas would get mad at him eventually and that was the last thing he needed.

"Haha, Bro it's just a single glass, not a big deal and it won't get you drunk," Black said laughingly, and Pim joined him too while nodding in agreement.

"Really?" Pete pouted while asking.

"Bro, are you a little kid?" Black shook his head in disbelief as he smiled and then ordered drinks for all of them.

"Here" Black handed the liquor to Pete while the latter took it willingly.

"Thank you," Pete said before gulping the whole glass in one shot.

After a while, Pete started to feel light-headed and started swinging while taking slow unsteady steps on the dance floor.

He couldn't feel anything around him as he pumped into a few people there and one of them got mad at Pete because he didn't apologize but Black apologized to the guy telling him that Pete was drunk.

"Vegas? Where's Vegas?" Pete said with difficulty while his eyes were foggy he was stumbling and about to fall but Black supported his weight.

"It's okay he's going back," Black said as Pete was leaning on him looking up at Black who just walked him inside the nightclub heading toward one of the private rooms.

Pete already couldn't think straight because the alcohol was messing with his system, He was feeling hot all over his face and was flushed and his eyes were half laid like it was hypnotic.

Once they got inside the room, Black helped Pete lay on the bed slowly while Pete was completely clueless about what was going on as his body and mind weren't functioning properly due to the effects of alcohol.

"You need to take a rest," Black said with a devilish smile on his face, He took his jacket off and walked to the bed while eyeing Pete whole.

"You know what Pete? I was wondering why everyone seemed to be obsessed with you...But I think I get it now" He said as he sat on the bed the expression on his face was dead serious in that moment he looked nothing but a psycho.

"Vegas? I...Feel hot...Can you...Help me undress" Pete murmured with his eyes tightly shut the drug impact already started and he couldn't even recognize the person in front of him all he thought of was Vegas.

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