Beg Me

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Hey, Everyone, Here's another early update because I know you were so curious to know what happened😭😭 Thank you guys for all your votes and comments it motivated me to write better every time🥰🥰 Give me your thoughts on this chapter👀❤️

⚠️ Non-consensual Sexual activity ahead🔞


"What are you going to do?" I panicked when I saw the thing he was holding, He was holding a packet of condoms a lube, and a blindfold.

"You'll see pretty soon" He smirked making his way towards me.

I panicked and backed down until I hit the headboard behind me.

I looked around for any shelter but I couldn't move when my hands were tied to a big chain.

I gulped as he got closer to me until he hovered over my body, I felt so tiny and helpless underneath him.

"Why are you scared? I'm not a stranger...I'm your husband...AND...Wifey should know how to please her husband on their wedding night, Right? Or...Maybe your daddy and mommy didn't teach you educational sex?" His words fell off his tongue like honey-coated venom, He seems dangerous I really underestimate him! He was making fun of me!

"Stop beating around the bush and just tell me directly what you want!" I confronted him, I can't be scared! If he did something to me I'm gonna call the police!

"You know what I like about you the most? That you're bold and never scared to express your discomfort" He extended his hand towards my hair and started to curl the hair between his fingers while he was dangerously close to my face.


"Don't act dumb Pete, It's my wedding night and you know well what people do on that night, Right?" He asked in a malicious way trying to lure me in but I'm not giving you my body ever!

"I'm not a fool! I won't give you what you want!" I insisted.

"We'll see about that," He said before leaning a bit until his breath fanned my neck, It gave me chills.

He pulled back and then grabbed the blindfold.

"What are you trying to do?" I jerked with fear, I didn't want to lose my virginity to him!

"Hush...Just be obedient to me now" He said softly as he placed it on my eyes, It was the same one...The one I saw in my dream.

"Vegas?" I called because he blocked my sight and I no longer see what he's doing.

"I like it when you call my name it sounds so sexy" He whispered in my ear before I felt his lips on my neck.

I froze, I couldn't move or resist when his tongue made contact with my skin, The feeling was so pleasurable...I wanted to push him or do something but I just let him do it I don't know if I was scared to protest or...

"Vegas..." I wanted to yell at him but my voice turned weak, I felt so embarrassed.

"You taste delicious just like I imagined you to be" He whispered in a deep voice, I'm sure my face was now as red as a tomato, I never heard anyone before saying something so shameful to me, It all felt new.

"Let me go please..." I wanted to beg and not to surrender to him, I shouldn't do this.

"It's a hard request, Pete, Not after I had a taste of you now"

He leaned back and placed his lips on my neck again this time sucking on the skin, Fuck why this feels too good to resist!

Pete you're not cheap do something!

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