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⚠️⚠️ Blood, Death.

Enjoy your reading


"Pete..." A faded voice fell on my ears. Who's that?

"Pete!" Is it Vegas? His voice made me feel safe.

Suddenly I found myself standing on the edge of a cliff, There was only an Inch separating me from falling in into the abyss.

I found Vegas standing a few miles away from me as I was facing him.

"Vegas? What's going on here?" I yelled so he could hear me.

"You're a fool, Pete, You couldn't read the signs, You chose to stay blind," He said bluntly with a blank face, What's wrong with him? Why he's not coming to rescue me?

"What signs! Vegas...Take me back home please I'm scared to stay here alone" I pleaded as I glanced around, It was dark and scary, The place looked isolated too.

"It's already too late," He said before vanishing into thin air, Vegas...

"Vegas! Please don't leave me! Please!" I cried out but suddenly stopped when I heard approaching voices.

I tried to move my body but it didn't move an inch it was like I was glued to the ground or paralyzed.

"No one can help you Pete, You're a burden" I saw Arm and the rest of my friends they were standing at the spot Vegas was.

They were all having this pitiful expression on their cold faces.

"Stop! Please stop this madness! Stop giving me those stares!!" I yelled with agony.

They started to get closer slowly to me, I felt so scared and nervous, My breath heaved and I started gasping for air.

"Is it my end?" I mumbled in fear.

"Goodbye," Arm said then pushed me from the cliff, I closed my eyes tightly then suddenly my heart dropped and I felt like I was breathless, I jerked from my sleep panting and sweating.

So all along it was a nightmare...

I eyed my surroundings but I wasn't in my room, I was in a strange room lying on a small uncomfortable bed and one hand was cuffed with a long chain connected to the bed

I was half-naked only wearing my shorts and my head was still dizzy with a strong headache.

I panicked when I thought that he might have done something to me in my sleep so I tried looking for any signs on my body but there were none, Even there weren't any injuries or bruises other than the one I made by myself.

The room was almost empty only a wardrobe and it looked like there was a small balcony but it was locked firmly.

The room light was yellow and dim.

Where I am? Why did Arm did this to me? Is there any reason? I didn't harm him before so why?

I couldn't stop thinking but at the same time, I tried to stop trembling and think probably how to get out of this danger.

I won't be able to find a way out if I remain scared.

I left the bed because the chain was long enough to let me walk freely around but I guess not in the whole room though.

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