Emotional Damage

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Hey guys, Here's another update I hope you like it because things are going to be interesting starting from this chapter and I'd like to thank each one of you who voted for this story it finally reached 10K readings, I love you all!🥰🥰❤️❤️

Enjoy your reading✨

Author's POV:

"Is it time for us to celebrate or mourn over the dead one?" Korn questioned with a plain face.

"We were being informed that Both died, Khun Vegas killed Arm and when he was about to go out Arm made a trap that once he gets out alive from the place they should make sure to kill him by surprise" The bodyguard informed.

"Have you seen his dead body yet?" Korn asked squinting his eyes with suspicion.

"No sir, I was only being informed, Should we go there?" He asked with uncertainty.

"Either you bring me his corpse or otherwise I will pretend I didn't hear that," He said firmly.

"Khap sir, Is there anything you want me to do?" The man asked politely while bowing his head slightly.

"I might ask you to bring them back but let's not rush anything," Korn said with amusement as he smirked.


Leaning on the cold wall, My senses became dull as all my surroundings started to feel more distant, The voices around seemed inaudible, and My vision blurred from the bursting tears rolling down my cheek.

My chest tightened and hurt, I clutched onto it harshly trying to ease the pain I was feeling as if it would make any difference when the pain I was feeling was internal and wouldn't heal this way.

My throat feels like a desert, All those voices in my head get loud, and I wish I could shut them up but they begin to become more persisting and hard to ignore, The image of his body covered with red, Pale face and cold body was all that I see, I shouted and tried to wake him up or open his eyes but in no vain.

I clenched my fist unable to stop my trembling shaky hands as my breath was shallow no matter how much I tried to gasp for air, I was unable to stand on my own feet because my body felt so weak like a fragile doll, I just wanted to be isolated from the world, I wanted to hide that I start to crawl myself like a ball in the corner.

I was the one who was responsible for all of this I felt like I had no right to mourn or feel sad, I was so stupid, laughable! Everyone took advantage of me and I went like a fool to their devilish trap.


I'm sorry, I know it's too late to say so, But please come back to me and I promise that I will treat you better, I won't be mad at you, I won't shout at you, But please I need you.

The amount of blood, The freezing body, The bale skin, A faint voice inside my head telling me that he's not gonna make it, He's going to die...It's impossible to survive after all this damage, Will I be able to hear his voice again and hug his muscular warm body? Will I be able to feel his soft lips on mine again?

"Is that him?" A weak voice mixed up with my inner voice.

Just shut up, please! I want to be alone right now I don't want to hear it all!

"Sir...Sir?" The voices start to become resistant which irritates me.

"Are you Khun Pete Saengtham?" I raised my gloomy tears-drenched face, The lighting reflected on my face making my eyes flutter with sensitivity, I'd been hiding my face in my knees for hours and a slight of light was hurting my Cornea.

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