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Hey guys, Here's another chapter don't forget to give me your opinion about it😊 Thank you for your votes and comments it makes me happy guys knowing that you like the story🥺❤️

Enjoy your reading


"You killed him?!" I asked I was taken aback by his confession.

"I did...He hit my mom again...Like he wants her dead" Vegas responded, I could feel the way he reacted to his own words he looked like he was going through a shock.

I extended my hand to him and touched him gently rubbing his hand all I want is to comfort him at this moment.

"Someone has to do it, Pete" He let out squeezing his lips jointly barely holding back all the emotions inside.

At that moment I felt really bad for him that he had to go through all this pain in one day it must have been hard for him to endure all the pain alone without being able to share it with another soul.

"You did the right thing," I said assuring him that it was the only decision he could take at that moment.

"Really?" He asked in desperation like he was seeking confirmation from me.

"Yes babe I'm so proud of you, You're really strong" I expressed, The tears swelled in my eyes as I crouched closer to his warm body wrapped my arms around his neck, and embraced him and he welcomed me into his arms.

I was lying on top of him hugging me tightly as he stroked my back while my tears fell on their nonstop.

"You don't need to pretend to be strong anymore...Let out all your sorrow" I said with a broken voice while still hugging him.

He didn't answer but instead, only a few moments later he started crying like never before in other words he broke into tears as he was shaking in my embrace, and his loud sobbing vibrated through my whole body.

He was trying to keep his composure but he finally could let all the sadness, Grief, and sorrow out.

"I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me the most...I'm sorry...I should've been there..." I said in regret while wailing.

"Don't be sorry Pete it was never your fault" He broke the hug after he wiped his tears but still there were tears in his eyes threatening to leave, He touched my face and wiped away my tears.

He pulled me down and locked his lips with mine for a few moments, His lips started to move against mine passionately both of us refused to let go of each other and the tears never stopped streaming both our cheeks.

The kiss had no tongue involved it was that kind of kiss full of unspoken emotions, It felt deep and unbreakable, It was warm and soothing and I felt my heart beating loudly seeking comfort.

I was awakened by the sound of a continuously ringing phone that pulled me out of my deep sleep, I opened my eyes with difficulty flattering to the sunlight.

I finally opened my eyes fully, I was still in Vegas's embrace I didn't want to let go of his warmth but I had to answer the annoying phone so I parted myself from Vegas slowly so as not to wake him up, I straightened myself and grabbed the phone from the nightstand.

It was a strange number but I picked it up anyway.

"Hello?" I spoke when I heard a man's voice which I couldn't recognize.

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