The Wedding

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Hey everyone, here's a chapter in time as I promised☺️ I hope you like it please let me know your thoughts about it❤️ I appreciate each comment and vote✨🥰🥰

After three days...


The guy was sitting on his office chair with crossed legs swaying the movable chair in a relaxing manner while staring at the picture he was holding with a devilish smirk on his face.

"Perfect," The man said as he stared at Pete's picture.

Since that day he couldn't stop thinking about him, He's waiting impatiently for the wedding today.

Vegas remembers all his features, All the expressions he showed that day, Vegas thinks that Pete is stubborn and it only excites him more to encounter all those emotions personally.

Today is the day and he can't wait to meet Pete again this time they'll share the same roof, He wonders what it's going to be like.

He thinks that Pete is naive and wonders what would Pete do if he showed what kind of person he is to him.


"Dad!" Vegas's dad entered the office walking towards his son with a big smile on his face, He hugged Vegas tightly patting his back.

"Are you ready son?" Khun Gun asked examining Vegas's state.

"Yes Dad I'm always ready"

"Listen, Son, Today is an important day for the family and you know that all the mafia families are going to attend the wedding, I want you to be careful in each step and don't let your husband get out of control, he's still naive and doesn't know anything about business" Vegas's dad wanted to ensure that everything is going according to their plan.

"I know Dad, I'll do my best," Vegas said, He never wanted to let his dad down, He wanted to be trustworthy to his dad because he thought that his dad entrusted him with everything and made him take the lead so he wouldn't disappoint him.

"Now get yourself ready for the wedding it's in a few hours"

"Okay dad, Thanks"

When Vegas went back home with his dad he found his mom waiting for them patiently.

"Vegas dear, I want to talk to you alone" Vegas's mom called Vegas once she saw them entering the living room.

"Leave him alone, He has no time for your silly Lectures!" Gun said to his wife, intentionally hurting her feelings.

"But..." She uttered, sadness written all over her face.

"What do you want? But make it brief I have to get ready" Vegas spoke up with a bored face, He thinks that his mom shouldn't interfere in his personal life.

"Can we talk in my room?" She hopefully asked.

"You think I don't know what nonsense you want to fill his mind with?" Gun scoffed.

"Gun, You can't do this to my son! Are you going to get him married to a stranger whom he doesn't love? You're running him!" June let out in frustration, She was feeling hurt since she knew what her husband wanted to do.

"You know nothing June! He's my son too don't you fucking forget it! I know what's better for him THAN YOU!" Vegas's dad shouted in anger, He wanted to yank his wife's hair but he stopped mid-act.

"But he can't live like this! Then what about the other guy I heard he's still young, he's younger than Vegas with five years! You've lost it!" June lashed out with bitterness but all she got was a harsh slap on her face making her scream in pain.

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