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Hey guys, I'm trying hard to update regularly, Sorry for the late update😅 Thanks guys for the votes and I enjoy seeing your comments😭❤️ love u guys💕💕

Enjoy your reading✨💕


In the large space, a bunch of men circled the huge brown table, The air felt thick and intense as the deep silence filled the place, and everyone was feeling nervous just the sound of papers being skimmed and the sound of clicking pen.

The old man who was leaning back in his chair in a relaxing manner bent forward resting his chin on the back of his hand and glancing at the man on his left.

He let out a sigh after a long thinking and then spoke with a relaxing tone, "Do you think we succeeded?"

The young man was feeling tense as all the eyes were on him waiting for a response, He hates to be relied on, He never intended to live this way.

He felt pressured and nervous because he didn't know what was going to happen.

"I think we did, But we shouldn't let our guard down better be prepared for the unknown" He tried to sound as cool as possible he didn't want to be judged again.

"I think we should come out with a plan for our next target" Another man spoke with a smirk.

"What do you think son?" The old man spoke again directing his speech towards the young man.

"I got important info that could help us to have the upper hand," The young guy says proudly grinning like he made a victory.

"Don't disappoint me, son, I trust your abilities" The old man stroked his son's shoulder earning small nods from the latter.


I was in my room after what happened with Pete, He left and went to his room, I didn't know what should I say when he demanded a divorce I was speechless.

I can't divorce him but I decided to give him some space first to think through and during this period I won't let him see my face much just when it's necessary.

Also, I made up my mind and decided to move into my parent's house with Pete, This way he would be safer because I wouldn't stop worrying about him when I'm outside the house, especially during Mafia conflicts.

I didn't want to disturb him but I should let him know that we were moving out today because I couldn't leave him alone, especially for tomorrow.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I reached for it and clicked on the answer button.

"Hey, Is everything okay with you bro?" Kinn asked, clearly concerned about what happened last night during the family meeting.

"Nothing to worry about, Everything is settled now, Thanks for your concern" I answered briefly, I couldn't admit what happened and show people how sick bastard I am.

"Good to hear," He says.

"Is there anything wrong?" I inquired.

"It's tomorrow...I hope you're ready" He reminded.

"Yeah...I know...Don't worry I'm ready let's put them in their place" I sighed, My mind was busy with almost everything, and the thing is I rarely worry about a war situation but Pete is occupying my mind all day I can't concentrate and I'm afraid I will mess up this time.

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