Obsession(Final Chapter)

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Hey guys! This is the last chapter and the longest too😭😭😭 I will miss this story🥺❤️ I hope you liked the story till the end pls do tell me your opinion I'd like to know if I need to change something in my writing style😊

TW: Mature content, light BDSM🔞

Enjoy your reading✨


A faint ray of dawn gently infiltrates through the gossamer curtains bringing a warm waft of air over the surroundings, A weak glow brightens the room. The faint sounds of birds penetrate the quiet space outside, Allowing a reality consciousness to slowly stir within me.

My senses were growing louder and clearer as I took a deep breath, My mind slowly drifted to the remains of my incomplete dream, and I tossed to the other side while letting my eyes flutter open to unusual lighting.

I yawned lazily when I found myself on the empty bed with no one by my side, I extended my hands to my eyes rubbing them repeatedly until I was able to see my surroundings.

I was facing the clock on the nightstand, My eyes widened in surprise as I realized that I was late for work, I muttered under my breath, "Fucking shit! Why no one wakes me up?!"

I rubbed my face with my palms in clear frustration. I huffed in annoyance before I jerked out of bed still feeling sluggish and drowsy, My hair was messy and unsettled.

I heard the irritating rumpus coming from downstairs, I didn't wait any longer and walked out of the room while I was walking down the stairs I heard an unmistakable voice rumbling and fussing probably over trivial stuff.

"What on earth is going on here?" I muttered while taking the last step on the stairs and the first thing I saw was Pete running towards me with a horrified expression on his face startling the shit out of me.

"Ve...gas...Help! We're going to die!!" He grabbed my wrist and started dragging me with quick steps while he was panicking. My heart throbbed with fear while millions of possibilities were going through my mind at the moment.

"What happened??" I asked nervously while I was being dragged by Pete towards the kitchen.

"Look!! It caught fire! We're going to die the whole house gonna be ignited! Please do something I'm scared..." He was shuttering, I looked at the spot where his finger pointed and I found out that he set the skillet on fire!!!

"Save me what are you waiting for?!!!" He yelled in fear while pushing me toward the burning pan, The flames reached the roof of the kitchen.

"Pete!" I uttered in a warning tone.

"You're the man go!" He said while palming his eyes scared to look at the mess he made himself.

I let out a sigh while shaking my head and rolling my eyes at him, I walked toward the skillet then I ordered, "Give me a metallic lid!" He was shaken for an instant not knowing what to do but then he hurried and handed me the lid.

I grabbed the salt container and threw all the salt on the pan until the temperature of the heat lowered then I gradually covered the pan suffocating it and shutting off the fire completely.

I turned to look at Pete who was trembling like a little kitten while looking at me with wide eyes visualizing me as his savior.

"So smooth~ How did you do it??" He asked in wonder as he approached me with slow steps still obviously scared that it might still not cease. Once he reached where I was standing he eyed the burnt pan thoroughly with caution.

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