Not The End

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter I know I've been writing angsty chapters but just wait for them and they'll be happy in the end😅 Thank you all for the votes and your encouraging comments🥺❣️

Enjoy your reading


There I was standing in front of my soulless sister's body lying on the cold ground her face looked dull and pale...That's not how I saw it last time.

Complex fell running inside my head like an unstoppable cycle of emotions, I got this hurting pain in my chest again like it was never-ending don't know why I'm feeling this way although I never had this unbreakable bond between me and her I didn't even consider her as my sister but it doesn't really matter she was family to me as well.

"Don't know if you really deserved this end or... I think it's gonna take some time until I can be able to forgive you...Rest in peace" I mumbled on the verge of another breaking down but strangely I was calm or I might be pretending to be.

A lonely tear escaped from my eye as I glanced one last time at her calm body, I pulled the white sheet off the bed and covered her dead body, Dispoinmtent written all over my face I let out a sigh and then left the place after I called one of my trusted bodyguard to come and take the body.

I received a call from one of the bodyguards I took the call while I was driving I was patiently waiting to throw myself in Pete's warm arms, All I needed was a tight hug which I could let out all my sadness and pain.

"Sir, Khun Pete, and the bodyguards never come back home they're missing" He informed, This can't be real! I thought that he was safe I thought that I managed to protect him this time but I guess failed miserably once more...

"Find him! Search the whole town I don't fucking care but if you don't find him I will kill you!" I threatened angrily before cutting the call off.

"Pete...I'm sorry..." I mumbled quietly, It was like the pain I was feeling earlier wasn't enough that they chose to do this!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I cursed loudly my hands were banging on the steering wheel repeatedly I was far worse from being mad but I was fuming with anger and hate.

"Not even a single peaceful day in this pathetic life!" I yelled at the top of my lungs that I didn't feel when the tears started streaming down both cheeks like I was waiting for this moment for so long, Like I was some sort of machine that was about to explode just waiting for the last push.

My vision blurred as the tears blocked my sight I didn't notice when I found myself about to hit another car and get into a car accident I got shaken for an instant I turned the wheel with full force and turned the car until I evaded the accident and stopped at the side of the road I was nearly going to hit a tree instead.

My hands were shaking as I was gasping for air my heart almost choked just a few moments ago, I tried to stop my trembling hands but no use I couldn't control my body as my heart was beating loudly against my chest feeling it was about to leave my chest.

I let out a shout full of pain and anger mixed together, A cry full of suffering I was suffocating with a lump in my throat asking God when all of this going to end.

"God I know you're punishing me for the horrible deeds I did in the past...But please don't hurt Pete in the process...Please, He's the only thing that is left and he has nothing to do with my filthy sins, Please God let him be safe" I began to pray helplessly with strong despair, It really hurts to see the one I love suffering because of me and I'm just watching him.

I didn't even get to say I love you for the second time... But I swear if something bad happened to Pete I will turn into a monster I will burn this whole world for his sake!

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