Chapter 6

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"Yes, it is. The tension between our clans has gone on for far too long. I believe it is time for us to put aside our differences and work together for the greater good of Inazuma. We have mutual interests and shared goals. By allying, we can become an unstoppable force for change and progress."

The Shogun was surprised but not shocked by Ayato's words. She always knew peace between the two clans would benefit Inazuma. She nodded thoughtfully, considering his proposal. "I too believe it is time for our clans to put aside our differences and work together. The interests of Inazuma must always come first. Let us discuss the terms of this alliance in private."

Hiro and Momo exchange glances, pleased with the Shogun's response. They had been hoping for this opportunity to ally the two clans. As the meeting continues, each of the lords and ladies present shares their ideas and proposals for the betterment of Inazuma. Each one is carefully considered by the Shogun, who listens intently and asks insightful questions.

"Before we leave Lord Hiro I will be looking forward to your leadership ceremony the day after tomorrow," Kujou Kamaji said.

"Indeed, Lord Kamaji," Hiro responded with a nod. "I am honoured to be taking on this role and look forward to working closely with all of you to ensure the continued prosperity of Inazuma. My family has served this nation for generations, and I am committed to upholding that tradition of service and dedication."

The meeting ended The Kujou members left the chamber, leaving The Matsumoto's, the Kamisato"s and The Shogun.

"Let us discuss the terms of this alliance," The Shogun said

The Raiden Shogun gestured for them to take their seats once more. "I appreciate your proposal, Lord Ayato. You have given this matter much thought. However, several terms and conditions must be discussed. Firstly, what guarantees do you propose for ensuring that your reforms will be successfully implemented and maintained over the long term?" 

Hiro and Momo exchange glances before Lord Ayoto speaks.

"My lady Shogun, we understand the importance of ensuring the longevity of our reforms. To that end, we propose a mutual oversight committee consisting of equal representatives from both our clans. This committee will meet regularly to review. In addition, we can agree to periodic reviews by an independent third party, such as a group of esteemed scholars or jurists to provide an objective assessment of our successes and failures."

The Shogun nodded thoughtfully, considering Lord Ayato's proposal. "I find your proposed committee to be a wise and practical solution. However, I must also stress the importance of transparency and accountability. The people of Inazuma must have faith in the reforms and the process by which they are implemented. How do you propose we ensure this?"

Lord Ayato bowed his head respectfully. " I understand your concerns. To instill trust in the people, we propose that the committee's meetings be open to the public, with regular reports issued to the citizens of Inazuma. In addition, we are willing to establish a network platform where citizens can voice their concerns or offer suggestions for improvement."

Hiro speaks up, "My lady Shogun, I believe that transparency and accountability are paramount in regaining the trust of the people. Lord Ayoto's proposals are more than sufficient to ensure that both our clans remain honest and true to our word. However, we would also like to propose the addition of a citizen's advisory board, comprised of representatives from all walks of life within Inazuma. This board would have the power to offer direct input and feedback to the committee, and the ability to propose and vote on new initiatives."

Momo nods in agreement. Hiro continues "And to further solidify the alliance between our clans, we propose that myself and Lord Ayato act as co-leaders of the oversight committee, with equal say and responsibilities. This would send a clear message to the people of Inazuma that we are truly united in our efforts to bring about positive change."

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