Chapter 4

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Ayato was in his office doing paperwork when he heard a knock on the door. "Enter," he said. His housekeeper Thoma enters with a tray of breakfast.

"Breakfast is ready, my Lord," Thoma said as he set the tray down on Ayato's desk. The tray was laden with a variety of delicacies, including grilled fish, steamed vegetables and rice.

 Beside it was a small pot of steaming green tea. Ayato nodded his thanks and began to eat, savouring the flavours and textures of the food. 


Thoma the picture is not mine it belongs to Hoyoverse

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Thoma the picture is not mine it belongs to Hoyoverse


Kamisato Ayato the picture is not mine it belongs to Hoyoverse

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Kamisato Ayato the picture is not mine it belongs to Hoyoverse


"Is Ayaka up and ready yet?" asked Ayato, sipping his green tea. Thoma nodded, "Yes, she's in her room getting ready I got her breakfast ready." 

Ayato nodded, knowing that today was the day he and Ayaka were going to Inazuma City to have a meeting with the soon-to-be Matsumoto Clan leader and The Raiden Shogun.

"How is she feeling about this meeting?" asked Thoma, curiously. Ayato thought for a moment before responding, "She's anxious, but determined. She has been studying the Matsumoto Clan's history and leaders for weeks. She hopes to help establish a good relationship between our clans."

"My Lord, why do you want to make peace with them? they have been a thorn in your family's side for many years," Thoma asked with a hint of worry. 

Ayato looked up from his breakfast, meeting the housekeeper's gaze. There was genuine concern there, and he understood that Thoma had served the Kamisato family faithfully for a long time. 

Raised in Mondstadt, Thoma moved to Inazuma at a young age and was brought to the estate as a young boy to serve the family.  He has witnessed the Kamisato clan's unyielding will to protect their lands and people. Thoma respected that loyalty, even if he didn't always agree with it.

"Thoma, the world is changing," he said, setting down his chopsticks. "The old ways of doing things aren't as effective as they used to be. The Matsumoto's are a strong clan and they have allies in the Tenryou and Kajou Commission. Ignoring them or trying to suppress them will only make things worse for us in the long run. We need to find a way to work together, to find common ground."

The housekeeper considered this for a moment before nodding slowly. "I see what you're saying, my Lord. But what of the treaty that was signed between the two clans? Won't that keep them in check?"

Ayato shook his head. "The treaty is a good start, but it's not enough. It was a temporary solution to a greater problem. The Matsumoto's need to know that they can trust us and that we're not just using them for our gain. That means we have to work together, to find common ground and build a lasting relationship".

'I understand, I will take my leave the meeting is at noon be ready" Thoma said 

After Thoma left the room, Ayato finished his breakfast in silence. He knew that this meeting was of utmost importance for their clan's future, and he was determined to make it a success. He had spent countless hours preparing for this moment, studying not only the Matsumoto Clan but also the family history. 

"Lady Momo will be accompanying her brother,  I finally get to see her in person," he said to himself.

He rose from his desk, feeling a sense of purpose and determination. He puts on his formal attire, adjusting the black and golden armour on his right shoulder, and his Hydro Vision hangs on a thick golden rope around his waist on his right hip.

Kamisato Ayaka emerged from her bedroom, unlike the formal attire she wears every day, she chose to wear a light blue kimono. Her long blue hair was tied in a bun, held together by a gold ribbon and purple flower hair pins. 

She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the meeting ahead. As she walked down the hallway, she felt the weight of the family's expectations bearing down on her.


 Kamisato Ayaka the picture is not mine it belongs to Hoyoverse

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 Kamisato Ayaka the picture is not mine it belongs to Hoyoverse


Ayaka is wearing this kimono the picture is not mine

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Ayaka is wearing this kimono the picture is not mine


She heads to the dining hall where breakfast is already served for her, As she sits down and starts to have her breakfast, she thinks about the meeting with the Matsumoto Clan's future leader. 

She knows that this meeting is crucial for both clans, and she wants to make sure that they can find common ground, Thoma comes in and he says good morning to her and asks how she is feeling she responds with a nod and a small smile.

"Is my brother eating his breakfast in his office again?" Ayaka asked Thoma as he poured some tea for her. " Yes, he's been doing that more often lately," he answered her. 

"He's been busy preparing for this meeting, my lady," Thoma replied with a respectful nod. "He wants to make sure that everything goes smoothly."

As I accompany him. We both must represent the Kamisato Clan. We need to show the Matsumoto that we are united in our efforts to strengthen our alliance." 

She drank her tea, her mind already racing with plans and strategies for the meeting. "Do you think there some of the other members of the clans to attend?" she asked Thoma. 

"I don't know my lady I can't say," He said

A servant came in "My Lady the rickshaw has arrived "Ayaka stood up and thanked the servant and she asked her to get Ayoto for her. Moments later Ayoto walks into the dining hall "Ayaka you ready?" "Yes brother," she replied, straightening her obi, "let's go"


Thoma, Kamisato Ayaka and Kamisato Ayato are owned by Hoyoverse

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