Chapter 89

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After two and a half days of travelling Hiro and Sayuri have finally returned home. Nanami and the servants greeted them. "Welcome home how was the honeymoon?" Nanami asked them. 

"It was amazing," Hiro said, "We had a great time, thank you for taking care of the house while we were gone," he added to the servants.

 "You welcome my Lord we will take your and Lady Sayuri's belongings," the servant said as they took their bags and took them to their house.

Momo greeted them "Brother, Sayuri welcome home," she said. Hiro smiled at his older twin and hugged her. "It's good to see you too Momo".

Sayuri and Hiro walk into their bedroom, tired from the long journey to get back home but also filled with warmth from their honeymoon.

"It's so good to be home I'm so tired," Sayuri said as she flopped onto the futon. "Yeah me too, I can't wait to get some rest" Hiro replied as he sat beside her. The futon was soft and comfortable, inviting them to sink into its embrace.

There was a knock. "Come in," Hiro said. Momo opens the door. "Sorry to disturb you, but I need to talk to you both," Momo said. Momo told them that Padma wanted them to come to her lair and she told Sayuri about who Padma the Melusine is.

"So there's a Melusine here in Inazuma, just like the one we saw in Fontaine. You and Hiro know her, she's also teaching you Alchemy and now wants to meet me. Am I getting this right?" Sayuri asked

"Yes, that's right" Momo answered. "What does she want us to see her?" Hiro asked. "It's not my place to say, we can go see her tomorrow since you both just got back and you're exhausted also Yasuhiro is coming with us too, he got to meet her while you were away".

It was the next day Momo, Yasuhiro, Hiro and Sayuri were at Padma's lair.

"You must be Sayuri it's nice to meet you," Padma said. Sayuri couldn't believe what she was looking at. "Am I seeing this right now?" Sayuri asked. 

Padma laughed "Yes I get that a lot, a Melusine in Inazuma is not something you would see here. My name is Padma I'm originally from Fontaine, my master and I moved here almost around two hundred years ago" The Melusine said

"It's nice to meet you, Padma," Sayuri said. "You said you wanted to see her what is this all about?" Hiro asked

"let me explain. When me and Felixa who is my master began our new lives in Inazuma, we helped many pregnant women by using magic and examinations to see if their bodies were healthy or if they were at risk of dying through childbirth..." Padma was cut off. 

"Wait you're saying that Sayuri could be dealing with a high-risk pregnancy!?" Hiro asked with a panic in his voice. "Hiro let her explain please you have to trust her," Momo said.

"Thank you Momo. Anyway as I was saying, with Alchemy we were able to save both the mothers and the babies. Please let me examine you Sayuri" Padma said as she held Sayuri's hand. Sayuri had a worried look on her face then she looked at Hiro and then back at Padma. 

"Alright I trust you," she said "Thank you please follow me," Padma said to them. 

They were led into a room with a big table and many different kinds of tools. "Sayuri I want you to lay down here and please take off your Yakata but keep the undergarments on," Padma said as she took out a few tools and put them on the table. Sayuri did as she was told.

"Is everything alright?" Hiro asked worriedly. "Yes, everything's fine. Padma is just checking to make sure that everything is in order" Yasuhiro assured him.

Padma gently palpated Sayuri's abdomen, feeling the baby's movements within her. "You're two and a half months into your pregnancy. Both the babies' heartbeat is strong and healthy...." she was cut off. "WHAT!!!!" Hiro, Sayuri, Momo and Yasuhiro said at the same time.

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