Chapter 20

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Later in the evening, Ayato was in Inazuma City's entertainment district. It looked like he was heading to a personal courtesan house, he headed behind the house and knocked on the door a courtesan just wearing a robe opened the door.

 "Lord Ayato come in quickly," she said as he entered, "He's in my room, he thinks I'm getting tea for him" she added, "he's in the far right,  you better not make a bloody mess," Ayoto understands "I will try not too," he said to her as he walked upstairs walk into the halls, he could hear voices from the room he was heading to.

 As he reached the door and opened it, he saw a middle-aged man on the bed, naked. The room was dark and lit only by candles. Ayato slammed the door.

"What the.. L-lord Ayato what are you here" the man asked sitting up on the bed, trying to cover his nakedness with a cover. Ayato ignored him and walked over to a nearby chair. He sat down and crossed his legs, resting his chin on his palm as he studied the man.

"You and I are gonna have a chat"

The man, clearly terrified by Ayato's sudden presence, nodded meekly. Ayato's eyes bore into him, examining every inch of the man's exposed skin. There was something about the way he carried himself that Ayato didn't like. He seemed like the kind of person who would take advantage of his position and abuse his power.

The man swallowed hard, Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat.

"Takeshi Shiranui a former officer for Matsumoto Clan am I right?" Ayato asked the man, Takeshi's face turned pale as he nodded slowly. Ayato leaned in closer to him, his voice low and menacing. "You've been making some bad choices"

Shiranui swallowed hard. He tried to find the words to defend himself, but they caught in his throat. Ayato's intense gaze made it impossible for him to meet the younger man's eyes.

"For example, you were responsible for poisoning Matsumoto Jun which led to his illness and death ten years ago"

Shiranui's eyes widened in fear. He shook his head vigorously, denying the accusation. "No, Lord Ayato! I swear it wasn't me! I would never do such a thing!" "Wrong answer" Ayoto stood up summoned his sword and went closer to him.

"You see Shiranui, I could easily kill you right now, and no one would ever know. Now tell me the truth did you kill Lord Jun?" Ayato said as he placed the tip of his sword against Shiranui's throat, letting the cold metal press against his skin. The man shivered violently, his eyes filled with fear and despair.

"No, Lord Ayato, I swear it wasn't me! I loved the Matsumoto Clan they were family to me, I would never do anything to harm them!" Takeshi pleaded, tears streaming down his face.

"Wrong answer again don't make me ask again, I know you work for his Uncle and his clan"

Ayato drew his sword in one swift motion, pressing the flat of the blade against Takeshi's throat as he forced the man down onto the bed. The naked man's eyes bulged and his throat convulsed as he tried to breathe through the pressure against his windpipe.

"A-alright yes I did but I was following orders"

Ayato's eyes narrowed in anger as Shiranui confessed. He removed the sword from the man's throat but kept it close, poised for any sudden movements. The weight of the sword pressing against Takeshi's skin served as a constant reminder of who was in control of the situation.

"Tell me everything you better not lie to me," Ayato ordered him

Shiranui swallowed hard, trying to gather his thoughts. "Shiro was the one who ordered me to do it I had no choice..." He paused, trying to find the courage to continue. "Lord Shiro was jealous of of his brother Lord Akira, he wanted to take over the clan".

 "But Lord Akira banished him and his kids not because of his plan but the dirty deeds he's been illegally committing. They weren't seen since, It wasn't long before that Lord Jun took over, and Lord Akira had passed away due to poor health, until ten years ago Shiro showed up out of nowhere at my home..." he paused taking a deep breath. "He threatened my wife and daughter who was only a baby if I didn't help him..."

Ayato listened intently to the man's confession, his face expressionless. When Shiranui finished, he nodded slowly, as if taking everything in. "I see," he said softly, "So Shiro was behind it all after all." He placed a hand on Takeshi's shoulder, squeezing gently. "And you weren't working for him you were just a pawn in his game?."

The man whimpered, his body trembling under Ayato's touch. "Yes, Lord Ayato. I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen..." Takeshi continues "Since the banishment Shiro and his kids were stripped of the Matsumoto last name, they renamed themselves Akuma, The Akuma Clan."

Ayato removed his hand from Shiranui's shoulder, his expression unreadable. He considered the information that had been given to him.  Akuma Shiro, who was thought to have long disappeared, had been behind the assassination of Lord Jun all along.

 It seemed that his uncle's jealousy had run deeper than anyone had suspected and Shiranui once a loyal officer of the Matsumoto Clan, had been forced into serving as Shiro's pawn.

"To protect my family my wife and I divorced and she took our daughter left Inazuma and live in a diffirent nation I have not seen them since"

Ayato nodded understandingly. "I see," Ayoto said softly, his voice filled with sympathy. "And what have you been doing since then?" He paused, considering the question. "You mentioned earlier that Matsumoto's were family to you. Do you still feel that way, or has your allegiance shifted?"

Shiranui closed his eyes, trying to find the words. "Lord Ayato, I have always loved the Matsumoto Clan and I still do. But I understand that my actions have caused great harm to the clan. I left without saying goodbye, I can't let them know the truth about Lord Jun's fate and I've been hiding here in the district ever since"

Ayato listened intently to Shiranui's words, his expression thoughtful. He could sense the man's deep loyalty to the clan, even after all that had happened. He considered what to do with this information for a moment, before finally speaking.

"I understand your feelings, Shiranui. You have served the Matsumoto Clan well, and your loyalty is admirable. However, there is a matter that I must discuss with you." Ayato paused, meeting Takeshi's eyes directly.

 "For 6 years I have investigated Shiro's background and I know the truth about Shiro's plans not just for The Matsumoto Clan but for Inazuma as well, and soon I'm prepared to take action against him.  But I need your help. As someone who was once close to Shiro and knows the ins and outs of his plans, your knowledge could be invaluable."

"I need to protect The Matsumoto Clan, Lord Hiro is now the clan leader but he's young and untested. He needs someone who is loyal and knows the clan, as well as I do." Shiranui looked at Ayato with hope in his eyes. "I will do anything to make amends for my past mistakes and protect the Matsumoto Clan."

"Does Shiro still have any allies within the clan?" Ayato asked, his expression thoughtful. "Do you know anyone else who might be helping him? Any secrets or information that he could use against the clan?"

"All I know is that Shiro passed away about five years ago his kids Kuro and Sachiko are now carrying on the clan," Shiranui said with a heavy sigh "But there might be some people still loyal to Shiro I don't know their names or where they are"

Ayato nodded thoughtfully, considering Takeshi's words. "Thank you for your honesty, Shiranui. Your knowledge of the situation is invaluable. I will keep your identity confidential" He paused, his expression growing more serious. "You have been through much suffering because of Shiro's actions, but I believe we can end their schemes and protect the clan and Inazuma from further harm."

There was a knock "There better be no blood in there!" The courtesan shouted

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