Chapter 84

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Momo was now back home and headed to her bedroom. She can't believe in what just happened. Today would be the best memory she will ever have. She changed into her night yakata before going to sleep and found a letter on her desk.

It wasn't there this morning or no one told her there was a letter for her but she knew who it was. She opens the letter.

Dear Momo

Come meet me at my lair tomorrow morning no worries nothing bad happened to me or the flame lily. I need your help with something important. It's a secret between you and me for now.


After Momo read the letter, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. She knew The Melusine was someone she could trust, but the idea of meeting her at her lair sounded ominous. Still, she couldn't shake the feeling that whatever Padma needed help with was important.

The next morning after Momo got ready for the day, she made her way to the forest where she had last seen The Melusine.

The forest was eerily quiet, with only the occasional rustle of leaves and the distant calls of birds. As she made it to Padma's lair she called out her name.

"Hello? Padma?" Momo shouted. "In here" Padma shouted back. Momo followed the sound of her voice. Momo found Padma in her research area. Padma looks at Momo and stops doing her work. "Momo it's been a while. I hope you don't mind coming here."

Momo nods her head. "So what is it that you need my help with?" she asked. "It's about your sister-in-law Sayuri, don't ask me how I know about her, I secretly watched the wedding reception and Hiro mentioned that she is pregnant," Padma said. 

"Yes, that is true." Momo reply. "Well, I want to meet her and get a closer look at her pregnancy." Padma takes a deep breath before continuing

"I need to know if her body is strong enough to bear a child, she could be dealing with a high-risk pregnancy"

Momo frowns at what she is hearing "That does sound serious. But how can I help? I'm not a doctor"

"No worries, me and my master has handled this before, let me explain. After my master Felixa and I began our new life in Inazuma, we helped a lot of pregnant women with examinations and magic to see if their bodies were healthy or not. We help save their lives thanks to alchemy as long we tell them what they need to do or not do." Padma said

If Sayuri is at risk, I can help her and guide her along the way. But I need to meet and examine her first to ensure." Padma added

"What do you need me to do you said you need my help," Momo said.

"Yes, I want you to bring Hiro and Sayuri to my lair when you get a chance. Since you and Hiro know who I am you can tell her about me, just tell them that I need to examine her, and also tell them that I have experience with this and that I can help her with her pregnancy if she's at risk. I know you both trust me and she will trust me too" Padma said

"Sure but they left on their honeymoon yesterday and they won't be back in a week," Momo told her.

"Thats fine since you're here you can help me make a red potion, If I'm going to help Sayuri I need to be ready and get all my supplies. This is going to be part of your training, are you ready?" Padma asked Momo.

Momo nodded her head. "Yes, I'm ready. What do you need me to do?"

Padma smiles at Momo. "First, we need to make a potion that can strengthen Sayuri's body and help her carry the baby to term. I need you to gather the following ingredients: a healthy dose of yarrow, three fresh blades of blue vervain, and two pinches of crushed red raspberry leaves. Once you have them all, we'll start brewing it."

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