Chapter 65

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Saki and Madoka were in the instrument room. Saki was taking out a big case and putting it on the floor. "It's very important for us Geisha to learn at least two instruments so for now you will be taking a break from your shamisen lessons". Saki said as she opened the case it was a koto 

The koto is a traditional Inazumen stringed instrument that has been played for centuries. It is typically made of wood, with a long, narrow body and a varying number of strings, usually between 13 and 21. 

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The strings are plucked with both hands, using a combination of fingers and fingernails. The sound of the koto is often described as hauntingly beautiful, with a deep, resonant tone that seems to emanate from within the very soul of the instrument.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Madoka said as she walked over to the koto and kneeled to get a closer look at it. She was fascinated by the Inazumen instrument and couldn't wait to start learning how to play it. 

"Thank you this koto belongs to my grandmother she taught my mother how to play it and taught me how to play it, after she passed away I promised her that I would keep the tradition alive by teaching other girls how to play it," Saki said with a warm smile on her face.

She put the koto in front of Madoka. Saki gets her koto and kneels beside her. "First, I want to show you how to properly hold the koto," Saki began, gently lifting the instrument and placing it across Madoka's lap. "You'll want to rest your right forearm on the lower part of the body, here, and support the neck with your left hand." 

As Saki demonstrated, her movements were smooth and fluid, conveying a deep understanding and connection to the instrument. "Now, place your left hand on the bridge, like so," she continued, guiding Madoka's fingers into position. "The strings should touch the bridge at different heights, depending on which one you're playing."

Madoka followed Saki's instructions carefully, her curiosity and eagerness making her movements somewhat hesitant at first. But as she began to feel more comfortable with the koto, her posture relaxed and her fingers began to find their rhythm.

"Now," Saki continued, "we'll start with the basic strokes. You'll want to use your thumb to pluck the strings, like this." She demonstrated, her thumb gliding smoothly across the strings. "Focus on the sound, how it resonates through your body, and how it fills the room. It's important to find the right balance between strength and delicacy when plucking the strings."

As Madoka practiced, Saki stood nearby, offering gentle guidance and encouragement. "Very good," she praised. "Now, let's try a simple melody. The basic melody for 'Sakura' should sound like this." She played a few notes, her fingers moving effortlessly across the strings. "See if you can match that."

Madoka focused intently on the sound of Saki's koto, trying to mimic the notes as best she could. Her fingers were a blur of motion, plucking the strings with precision and accuracy. As she practiced, a beautiful melody began to emerge, filling the room with the hauntingly beautiful sounds of the koto.

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