Chapter 91

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It took a few days for Hiro to have the courage to speak to his siblings. He apologized for being distant this past week. 

Besides the stress from doing his duties, he felt so guilty and ashamed about not spending as much time with them during his training during those ten years before becoming clan leader.

He also apologized for leaving dinner early the other day because it was hard for him to look at his siblings in the eyes without having a breakdown.

They both understood and told him that they knew he was only doing what was best for the entire family's future and their mother didn't mean to bring it up to him. They reassured him that they were so proud of him.

"I'm so sorry for being selfish, I should have realized from the beginning of my training. But instead, I got so wrapped up in everything that I haven't been there for you both. I promise to be a better brother," he said

Momo and Yasuhiro hugged him "You're not selfish Hiro and you're not a horrible brother, we know you love us. We just want you to be happy. We will be here for each other." Yasuhiro said as he patted Hiro on the back.

Hiro took a deep breath to compose himself "Sayuri's doctor is coming today for her second check up do you both want to come and hear the babies heartbeat?" Hiro asked them.

"Sure, we would like that," Momo replied with a smile. He leads them to his house into his and Sayuri's bedroom. 

Sayuri was lying on the futon when she saw them come in and she smiled. "Hey there how are you feeling?" Momo asked her.

"I'm ok thanks, my boobs are growing," Sayuri said as she laughed at Yasuhiro's face "I didn't need to hear that".  Hiro laughed as well. "Well let's not focus on that and let the doctor check on you," Hiro added

"Dr. Tsukiyama is here," Kana said as The doctor entered the room. "Hello there it's nice to see you again, and I see this is your new house very nice," she said as she shook hands with Hiro and his siblings. 

"Thank you Doctor this is my twin sister Momo and my younger brother Yasuhiro and I also want to give you this letter, you should read it" Hiro gave the letter to Dr.Tsukiyama.

Dr.Tsukiyama read the letter and nodded. "So this is from Padma the Melusine, my family told me about her and her master. They worked with my great-great-grandfather in Kondo Village in helping save mothers and their babies from dealing with high-risk pregnancies and there's a picture of the three of them together in my parent's house."

"Thats amazing Doctor," Yasuhiro said. "She examined me a week ago and she told me that I have a high-risk pregnancy. She did give me a potion to help me get through the next several months without any problems," Sayuri said as she rubbed her stomach. 

"Thats great news, I didn't think Padma would be around. She did mention in the letter that you're having twins a boy and a girl congratulations" The doctor said.

 Sayuri and Hiro both smiled. "Before I check for your twins, there are some things I need to examine you on first. I need to ask you two to leave the room for now" The Doctor said to Momo and Yasuhiro.

"Alright Doctor we will wait outside," Momo said as they left the room. "I just need to make sure that you and the babies are staying healthy." 

The Doctor said as she got a few tools out of her bag. "I need to do a pelvic examination just to make sure that your cervix stays close as it should be. So I need you to take your bottoms off" The Doctor ordered Sayuri.

Sayuri sat up took off her underbottoms underneath her robe and laid down back down. Hiro held her hand as he looked at her face. 

"You are so beautiful, and I love you so much." He whispered to her as she looked up at him and smiled. "Lord Hiro?" The Doctor called out.

 "I'm here," He said, turning back to her "I need you to help me spread her legs open so I can have a better look at her cervix." The Doctor explained.

Hiro nodded. He went behind her and put her head on his lap and then gently placed a hand on each of her inner thighs, feeling the softness of her skin and the warmth emanating from her body. It was a surreal moment for him, feeling so close to her in this intimate way.

The doctor used the tools to check her cervix. After ten minutes she smiled reassuringly as she wrote down notes "Everything seems to be in good shape. The potion is doing a wonderful job in helping take care of your body and your babies. Now I need you to open your robe" she said. 

Sayuri nodded and opened her robe revealing her bare body. "Alright let me check your breasts to see any changes. Can you sit up a bit please," The doctor said.

Hiro couldn't help but feel nervous and aroused at the same time as he watched the doctor examine his wife's body. As he helped Sayuri sit up a bit he was amazed by how strong and beautiful she looked, despite the physical strain of carrying their children.

The doctor measures her bust and probes them for any texture while making a few notes. "I am feeling the texture from the inside of your breasts now that they are getting a bit larger, so you're just beginning to produce milk. As I said before you will feel pain as they grow more" she said. 

She then uses the stethoscope to listen to Sayuri's heartbeat. "Your heart sounds good and now you can put your bottoms back on, use your blanket to cover your lower body and cover your chest since your in-laws want to hear the babies heartbeat," the doctor said. 

Sayuri put her under-bottoms back on, used her robe to cover her chest and covered her lower body with the blanket as she laid her head on Hiro's lap again. "You can come back in now" Hiro shouted at Momo and Yasuhiro.

They both came back into the room as the Doctor took out a heart monitor and put the sensor on Sayuri's stomach. "I will be moving the sensor around your stomach to catch both heartbeats, sometimes baby number two could be hiding," The doctor said as she turned on the monitor.

The room fell silent as they waited for the first heartbeat. It was an anxious moment for both Hiro and Sayuri. They looked at each other, their eyes filled with hope and anticipation. 

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they heard the faint, but distinct sound of a heartbeat through the monitor. "There's the first one, I can hear it clearly" The doctor announced. They all smiled with relief. "Wow thats amazing," Yasuhiro said.

The doctor continued to move the sensor around, searching for the second heartbeat. After a few moments, they heard it as well. 

"Ah, here it is," The doctor said with a smile. Hiro and Sayuri couldn't help but beam with pride and joy. They exchanged a loving look, their hands clasped tightly. Momo couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Wow, they are both so strong!" Momo exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. Yasuhiro smiled, feeling an overwhelming sense of pride and love. The doctor recorded both heartbeats and checked the monitor to make sure they were stable. 

"Everything looks good. You're doing a wonderful job Sayuri, just keep drinking the potion. It's a good thing that Padma discovered this early or you would have been on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy. You are very lucky." The doctor said.

Sayuri nodded, wiping away a tear. "I know. I feel so blessed." She looked at Hiro, her eyes shining with love and gratitude. He smiled back at her, his own eyes filled with admiration.

"Padma also mentioned I can't have any more children after this, she recommended that we hire a surrogate if we wanted more" Sayuri said.

"I was going to mention that but it's your choice to go through with that," The doctor said.

"We talk about it we're happy with two kids," Hiro said "At least I have an heir to continue the family bloodline" he added with a grin.

Sayuri smiled and rested her hand on her stomach. "I just want to focus on these two little miracles growing healthy and strong. And I know you'll be a wonderful father to our children" She looked at him with such love and trust that it took his breath away.

"As of tomorrow you are three months pregnant, and your stomach will begin to show more. Remember I said last time, take care of yourself and also remember what Padma tells you to do"

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