Chapter 40

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As the announcement was over the sun began to set. Charlotte took the opportunity to speak and interview Matsudaira Takehisa, Yoshioka Muneyuki and two of the Geishas who had shown interest in sponsoring the various projects. 

Charlotte was interviewing the third Geisha

"What is your name and what made you sponsor the Kamistao Theater?" Charlotte asked her while taking notes.

"My name is Kuroba Saki I'm currently the head of the Kuroda family, one of the oldest Geisha families in Inazuma. My family has always been passionate about the arts, especially the traditional performing arts. The Kamisato Theatre holds a special place in their hearts including mine. My ancestors including my grandmother and mother performed for the spring festival and other events for many, many years, since I can remember watching them."

 She took a deep breath before continuing  

"I almost had my chance to shine but it closed down I was downhearted.  Sponsoring its revival is not only a way to honour my family's legacy but also a way for us to give back to the community that has supported us all these years."

Saki spoke with such warmth and sincerity that Charlotte couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her. She nodded, understanding the depth of emotion behind her words. "And what do you hope to achieve through your sponsorship?" she asked, jotting down the Geisha's response.

"With the sponsorship, we hope to restore the theatre to its former glory and provide a platform for the next generation of Geisha to showcase their skills. We believe that the Kamisato Theatre should be a place where tradition meets innovation, where old stories are told in new ways and where the spirit of Inazuma's culture is celebrated and preserved for years to come."

Charlotte nodded, her pen moving across the page as she took down the Geisha's words. "That's very inspiring," she said, meeting the woman's gaze. "And what do you think the role of the Geisha community will be in shaping the future of Inazuma?"

Saki considered the question for a moment, her expression thoughtful. "As Geisha, we are not only responsible for preserving our traditional arts but also for serving as a bridge between the past and the present. We must continue to adapt to the changing times while remaining true to our roots. In this way, we can help guide Inazuma through its transformation, ensuring that our culture remains vibrant and relevant for generations to come."

She paused, her gaze distant for a moment before returning to Charlotte. "We must also remember that Inazuma is not just about tradition. It is a city of innovation and progress. As such, we must encourage Geisha's to embrace new ideas and explore uncharted territories within our art form. Only by doing so can we ensure that Inazuma continues to be a beacon of creativity and inspiration for the rest of the teyvat."

Charlotte nodded thoughtfully, understanding the Geisha's words.

"Indeed, the role of the Geisha community is critical in maintaining the balance between tradition and innovation. As the city continues to evolve, it adapts and embraces new ideas while also preserving its cultural heritage." Charlotte said as she wrote down notes. 

"Thank you for letting me interview you, Ms.Kuroda," Charlotte added standing up and extending her hand. "Your insights on the role of the Geisha community in shaping Inazuma's future have been invaluable. I'm sure our readers will find your words both inspiring and thought-provoking."

Saki smiled warmly and accepted Charlotte's handshake. "Thank you, Charlotte. It's been a pleasure speaking with you. I hope that our conversation has helped to shed some light on the important work that the Kamisato Theater and the Geisha community are doing to preserve and promote Inazuma's unique culture."

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