Chapter 15

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After they made it back to the estate after travelling to Ritou, Hiro helped Sayuri unpack in a guest room since he couldn't share his room with her because they were not married yet as much as they wanted to be together they had to follow the rules. Yuji and Yasuhiro catch up on their lives since they haven't seen each other since Yasuhiro left for Sumeru. 

After that, Sayuri helped Hiro practice his speech for tomorrow, it took a few hours and then Hiro and Yuji had a spar in the training grounds.

Hiro moved fluidly, his sword dancing through the air as he engaged Yuji in battle. The young man was improving rapidly, but there was still room for growth. He needed to learn how to maintain his focus even when under pressure. Hiro could tell that Yuji was pushing himself to his limits, grunting with each thrust and parry. "Good," Hiro said encouragingly, "but remember to breathe. You'll tire yourself out if you don't."

As they sparred, Hiro couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for his soon-to-be nephew. He had come a long way since he had first begun training under sword masters as well as his father and uncles. It was clear that Yuji had a natural talent for swordsmanship, and with continued practice and dedication, he would become an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Sayuri was watching her fiance and nephew battle it out. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in both of them.

"You know," she said, interrupting their intense concentration, "it's not just about swordsmanship, or even being a good leader. It's about understanding people. It's about knowing when to fight and when to step back. It's about learning from your mistakes and growing." Yasuhiro agreed with her, nodding his head in acknowledgement. 

"It's true," Yasuhiro said. "When our father before he passed away taught us the importance of understanding people and how to lead them. He would take us including Momo to the marketplace and make us watch him interact with merchants and commoners alike.

 He'd point out the subtle differences in their body language, the tone of their voice, even the way they smiled. He taught us that if you want to be a good leader, you have to be able to see past your preconceived notions and truly understand the people who follow you."

Soon they stop sparing and have a break to drink some water. As they sat down, Hiro took a sip of water and looked at Yasuhiro. "I remember those times well. My father was always so patient with us, even when we got it wrong. He had a way of making us see the bigger picture." He smiled fondly. "He was a great man."

"What was he like" Yuji asked curiously. "I mean, I knew him when started hanging out with you and the siblings, but I never really knew him as a person."

Hiro chuckled. "He was a complex man, my father. He had a fierce sense of duty and responsibility, but he also had a playful side that loved to tease us. He was a man of few words, but when he spoke, people listened. He was the kind of leader who inspired loyalty and respect not because he demanded it, but because he earned it through his actions."

"Did he carry a vision I can't remember?" he asked Hiro with curiosity.

"Oh, he had a vision all right it was Geo," Hiro replied with a laugh. Yasuhiro nodded in agreement. "That's right".

"But it wasn't some grandiose, world-changing vision. It was more like a set of principles that he lived by, and that he expected us to live by as well. Hiro said things like honour, loyalty, courage, compassion... those were the values that guided his life, and ours as well."

Hiromi just walked in they looked at her "I hope I'm not interrupting I can't help but hear you talking to your father" she said 

"O Bāchan," Hiro said with a warm smile, "You're not interrupting. please join us." He gestured for her to sit down, and she obliged. "We were just talking about Father, and how much he meant to us".

"Oh, I have many memories of my son," Hiromi said, her voice tinged with emotion. "Hey O Bāchan tell us what father was like when was little," Yasuhiro asked her, eager to hear stories about their father.

Hiromi sat down with them, her eyes distant as she recalled her son Jun in his younger years.

"Well," she began, "he was always such a serious child. Even as a toddler, he would sit and watch the other children play, observing their behaviour and learning from it. He was fascinated by stories of honour and duty, and would often ask me and your grandfather to tell him about the great warriors and leaders of our people."

Hiro and Yasuhiro exchanged glances, a smile tugging at the corners of their mouths. It was clear that they shared the same memories, even if they saw their father in slightly different lights.

She continued "Your Aunt loved being a big sister, she loved playing with him unstop ever since he was born she always makes sure he is safe" Everyone nodded at her words. They knew how close their father and Chike had been as siblings, and how much they had loved each other.

"And as he grew older," Hiromi went on, "he only became more focused on his studies and his training. Your father was determined to become a great leader, just like his grandfather before him. He was a serious boy, but he had a kind heart as well. He never wanted anyone to suffer, and he always went out of his way to help those in need." Hiromi felt a tear in her eye.

"He was an amazing son," she said, wiping the tear away. "He made me so proud."

Hiro and Yasuhiro listened intently to their grandmother's stories, feeling a mix of pride and nostalgia as she painted a vivid picture of their father's childhood. They could see him now, as a young boy with big dreams and an even bigger heart, determined to make a difference in the world.

As they continued to reminisce, the conversation turned to the events that led up to their father's untimely death. "When he became ill..." Hiromi stopped for a second before she continued "He tried to keep it from us at first, but he was so perceptive. He knew something was wrong. He insisted on seeing a doctor, and even then, he refused to let me and Nanami tell the others. He didn't want anyone to worry about him."

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