Chapter 28

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The next morning, they would observe his behaviour and gauge the effectiveness of the potion.

As they finalized the details, Hiro couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within him. He had always trusted his sister's instincts, and if Padma believed in this potion, then he was more than willing to give it a chance.

 The thought of being able to concentrate better and maintain a positive outlook during such a critical meeting was an irresistible prospect.

Momo and Padma prepared the potion for Hiro. They carefully measured out the dosage and mixed it with a warm, sweet tea. As they handed it to him, they could see the nervous excitement in his eyes. "Thank you both," he said, taking a sip. "I'll let you know how it goes."

The evening before the meeting, Hiro drank the potion as instructed. He felt a slight tingle at first but quickly grew accustomed to it. As he drifted off to sleep, he found himself dreaming of the meeting more vividly than ever before. When he awoke, he felt refreshed and invigorated. The potion had worked wonders.

He met up with Momo and Padma, who were eagerly awaiting his report. Hiro described how well he had slept and how clear his thoughts had been during his morning preparations. "The potion had an effect," he said, "but it wasn't overwhelming. I felt more focused and positive without being jittery or edgy." Padma and Momo exchanged pleased looks.

As they arrived at the meeting hall, Hiro could feel the weight of tradition and expectation bearing down upon him. But thanks to the potion, he didn't feel daunted or intimidated. Instead, he felt a newfound sense of confidence and determination. The other clan leaders took notice of his energy and enthusiasm, and it seemed to have a positive effect on the proceedings.

Throughout the meeting, Hiro found himself making better connections with his counterparts, understanding their perspectives more clearly. His arguments were well-reasoned and persuasive, and he was able to navigate the complex political landscape with ease. It was as if the potion had granted him a sixth sense, allowing him to see the hidden motivations and desires of those around him.

As the meeting drew to a close, Hiro made one final proposal that surprised everyone. It was a bold and innovative idea, one that had never been considered before. He spoke passionately about its potential benefits, and as he finished, there was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air. The other clan leaders exchanged glances, clearly impressed by Hiro's vision and leadership.

The meeting adjourned, and Hiro was surrounded by well-wishers, congratulating him on his persuasive arguments and forward-thinking ideas. He felt a newfound respect from his peers, and it was clear that the potion had played a significant role in this transformation. As he made his way back to his bedroom, he couldn't help but marvel at the events of the day.

Momo and Padma, beaming with pride, were waiting for him in the great hall. "We couldn't be more pleased with the results," Padma said, her eyes shining with excitement. "Your ability to connect with the other clan leaders was truly impressive. The potion seemed to unlock something within you."

Hiro nodded, still in awe of the events of the day. "It's not just the potion," he said, thinking out loud. "It's the trust they placed in me and the knowledge that together, we can achieve great things for our people. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I'm more determined than ever to lead us into a brighter future."

"Hiro, I wanted to ask you about something important it's for Padma," Momo said, looking at her brother. "Of course, Momo. You know I'll always help you," Hiro replied, his expression growing serious.

"Do you know a rare flower called the Flame Lily?" Momo asked him, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Yes, I'm familiar with it. Why do you ask?" Hiro inquired, his curiosity piqued, "Im been searching for one for a hundred years" Pandma told him.

"That's quite a task," Hiro said, impressed. "Please follow me" Hiro led them outside the gardens "I remember seeing one a long time ago, It's a place that no one can hardly find" Hiro explained. "It's called the Unknown Spring" he continued. "There is a domain door that leads hidden deep within the forest, and inside there, you have to follow a series of hidden paths and cross a small stream" Hiro continued

"The Flame Lily grows near a small waterfall there. The water is said to have healing properties similar to those of the lily, going to a domain can be dangerous, are you sure you're prepared for what lies ahead?"

Momo nodded, her determination clear in her eyes. "I am, Hiro. I must find this flower for my research." She turned to Padma, who had fallen silent, clearly contemplating the dangers they might face. "Padma, I need you to trust me. I would never put you in danger if I didn't think it was worth the risk. Together, we can do this." Momo placed a reassuring hand on her friend's shoulder.

Hiro considered their resolve for a moment before speaking. "Very well then. I will accompany you. It has been many years since I last visited the Unknown Spring domain, but I still remember the way." 

He paused, taking a deep breath. "Are you both prepared to begin?" "Yes brother I finally learned how to use my vision I'm prepared for what comes at me," Momo said with confidence. "I... I'm ready" Padma replied, her voice trembling slightly. Hiro nodded, satisfied with their answers.



The Melusine is owned by Hoyoverse, Padma is an OC Melusine

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