Chapter 83

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Hiro and Sayuri were getting ready to go on their Honeymoon. The rickshaw has just arrived as they head out to the front gate with their belongings. "Here bring this herbal tea with you in case you're feeling discomfort," Kimi said to Sayuri as she gave it to her.

"Thank you, Kimi, I will," Sayuri said, taking the bag of tea. "You two have fun in Fontaine alright," Nanami said with a smile as she waved them off. Hiro nodded and waved back, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. 

They climbed onto the rickshaw, and the driver gave the engine a few experimental turns before setting off.

Momo and Ayato arrive at the revived The Iwashiro Shrine. The shrine's grounds had been restored to their former glory, the sacred buildings gleaming in the sunlight. The air was filled with the scent of fresh greenery and the sounds of birdsong.

"Ayato this is amazing I can't believe it's finally done," Momo said as they walked up the stairs to the front entrance.

"Ayato this is amazing I can't believe it's finally done," Momo said as they walked up the stairs to the front entrance

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"Yeah, I can't believe it is done," Ayato replied with relief. They opened the doors and stepped inside, taking in the sight of the newly restored shrine. 

The intricate carvings on the wooden pillars and ceiling, the ornate tatami mats lining the floor, and the carefully arranged flowers in vases placed strategically throughout the room. The atmosphere was peaceful and serene, filled with a sense of history and tradition.

"Me and Ayaka are doing an open ceremony in two weeks," Ayato said as they walked deeper into the shrine. "There's is a stage in the middle of the ceremony site, Ayaka had just hired six shrine maidens not just to work for the Shrine but to dance as well" he added with a grin.

"That sounds wonderful, Ayato! I'm sure the ceremony will be a great success!" Momo exclaimed, feeling a surge of excitement. "I can't wait to see the shrine maiden's performance," she added. 

"I have just started making plans for the summer festival, once the open ceremony is done me and my sister can get things ready," he said "Let's continue our private tour" he added as he walked over to one of the back rooms.

The back room they entered was once a storage room, but now they have changed it into a small rehearsal room. There was a small makeshift stage at one end and some cushions along the walls for sitting.

"This is where the shrine maidens can rehearse their dancing" Ayato explained, gesturing around the room. "They've been practicing very hard to put on a good show for the open ceremony." 

He walked over to the makeshift stage and picked up a small wooden flute, offering it to Momo. "Would you like to try playing this?"

Momo took the flute, feeling its smooth and well-crafted surface beneath her fingers. "I'd be honoured," she said, carefully putting the flute to her lips. 

She took a few deep breaths, steadying herself, and then began to play a gentle, melodic tune. Her fingers danced nimbly over the holes, filling the room with music.

Ayato listened, his eyes closed, lost in the beauty of the music. "You're quite talented, Momo," he said once she'd finished. "I've played the flute before" Momo smiled warmly, his gaze lingering on her for a moment before he turned back to the storage area. "Now, if you'd like to see the costumes for the shrine maidens, they are stored here."

He led her through the storage room, to a corner where several elaborately decorated costumes were hanging from hooks. "Each costume is made of the finest silk and embroidered with traditional patterns," Ayato explained, running his fingers over the delicate fabrics.

Momo examined the costumes more closely, admiring the intricate details and the vibrant colours. "They're truly works of art," she breathed, imagining the shrine maidens dancing in them. "How many dances will they be performing?"

"They've been practicing four dances so far," Ayato replied. "Two old classics and two modern ones. The old classic dances are traditional to the shrine, while the modern dances are choreographed by a senior shrine maiden"

Momo nodded, imagining the shrine maidens gliding gracefully across the tatami mats in their colourful costumes. "It must take a lot of practice to perfect those dances," she said with a touch of awe. 

"I'm sure the open ceremony will be truly spectacular." They left the practice room and went back to the main hall. He led her to another room, this one containing a large tatami mat where they could sit and relax. 

"This is where the maidens can have tea and talk about shrine business" he explained. "Oh, that sounds lovely," Momo said, sinking into the soft tatami mat.

Ayato sat down cross-legged beside her and poured them both some green tea from a traditional ceramic pot. He offered her a small plate of sweets as well. "This is a specialty of the shrine," he explained. "They're made with matcha powder and sugar."

Momo thanked him and sampled one of the sweets. It was delicious, with a sweet and slightly bitter flavour that complemented the tea perfectly. 

As they sipped their tea and nibbled on the sweets, Ayato began to tell her more about the history of the shrine and the significance of the various statues and symbols they had seen on their tour.

Ayato then holds her hands "Momo I feel like we've been holding this off for too long now and we got to know a lot about ourselves in these past few months. Momo my love will you marry me?

"A-Ayato?" Momo stammered, her face flushing.

Ayato looked into her eyes, his own filled with love and hope. "I know it's not a decision to be taken lightly, but... I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else. I want to build a life with you Momo. A life filled with love, understanding, and devotion. I want us to grow old together, Will you give me that chance?"

Momo stared at him, her heart racing. She knew this was going to happen ever since he asked her hand in an arranged marriage when they first met. But the more she looked into Ayato's earnest eyes, the more she knew that she did want to marry him. 

"Ayato...," she began, her voice trembling slightly. "I... I love you too, with all my heart and I would be honoured to spend the rest of my life by your side as your wife."

Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized what she had just agreed to. She knew that marrying Ayato would mean leaving her family behind to join his family, but she also knew that she could never be truly happy without him.

 Ayato hugs Momo tightly and kisses her. "I'm so happy that you said yes. I can't wait to make you my wife and show you how much I love you every day" he whispers into her ear.

"Can we not tell our families until Hiro and Sayuri come back, I don't want to leave them in the dark" Momo said with a sad smile.

"Of course Momo I understand how important your family is to you. We can keep this a secret for now. But I will talk with Lady Guugi to start on making plans on what day we can do our Engagement Ceremony and the date for our wedding" Ayako said, a bright smile on his face.

The rest of the day passed by quickly as they continued to explore the shrine grounds and enjoyed each other's company. 

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the surrounding forest Momo couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment wash over her. 

She had never imagined that her life could be so full of love and happiness, and she knew that she would cherish every moment spent with Ayato for the rest of her days.



Kamisato Ayato is owned by Hoyoverse

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