Chapter 49

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It was the next morning. Hiro was sleeping, Sayuri entered his bedroom, walked up to the window and opened his curtains, letting the sun in, she tried to him wake up but he just ignored her, so she decided to sit on his bed. Hiro slowly opened his eyes, the light from the window hurt his eyes. "Good morning sleepyhead," she said with a smile.

"What the..." Hiro was spooked by seeing her sitting on his bed. "Sayuri you scared me," he said rubbing his eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," she said. He tried to sit up but he was in pain after what happened last. "Hey take it easy we heard what happened last night I'm so glad you ok" she said.

"Thanks, I don't wanna talk about it, wait what are you doing here you're not supposed to be living here until next week," he asked her. "Your mother asked me to come and help you get washed up and get ready for the day since you bang up to do it on your own be right back."

She went to his bathroom and started filling the tub with warm water, she brought Epsom salt and condiments with her, which helped ease his wounded body. She started sprinkling them both in the bathtub. She then went to check on Hiro.

 He was sitting on the bed now, rubbing his eyes. "The bath is ready let me help you get up". she said as she gently placed her hands under his arms and helped him stand up. He was still a bit unsteady on his feet but with her support, he was able to walk to the bathroom.

She helps him take his Yakata off, lay it on the floor, and then she helps him step into the bathtub

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She helps him take his Yakata off, lay it on the floor, and then she helps him step into the bathtub. The warm water felt good against his skin. "You can relax now, I'll leave you to soak for a little bit" she said. "Thanks" he replied.

She went back to his bedroom she went to his dresser took out a kimono, kaori and a hakama, placed them on the bed.

Then she went back to the bathroom. "Can you wash your body?" she asked him "Yes I can do that" he answered her "Ok then I will do your hair " she said

She sat on the stool got the shampoo then wet his hair and started washing it as he started washing himself.. "You know I am glad your mother asked me to do this. I mean I would never had thought I would enjoy taking care of you like this. You're not so bad Hiro" she said with a smile. "Thanks, I guess" he replied still blushing a little. While she washed his hair Hiro told her about  Takeshi Shirauni's sacrifice last night and the plans for his funeral tomorrow morning. 

 After they were done, she helped him dry off, then went back to the bedroom and help him put on his outfit. "There you go, all dressed. You look handsome" she said with a smile. He just blushed again and mumbled a thanks.

 He just blushed again and mumbled a thanks

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Hiro's outfit, the picture is not mine


"Let's have breakfast it should be ready by now," she said as they left his bedroom and headed to the dining room, the rest of the family were already there having breakfast, they looked at Hiro with worried eyes, but when they saw him look fine, they relax a little.

Hiro and Sayuri sit down at the table, and the smell of food fills the air. After everyone was finished Hiro asked Sayuri to come to his office.

"Sayuri, I wanted to show you something," he said as they sat down at his desk. "Of course, Hiro. What's is it?" she replied, curious.

He took out a blueprint and put it on the table for Sayuri to see. "This is a new project I've been working on for a while, I was going to wait until next week to surprise you, but since you're here I might as well show you it's my wedding gift to us," he said, Sayuri looked at the blueprint carefully. "It's a house," she said surprised.

"Yes, it's a house, a big one I'm expanding the estate. I wanted to build a house for us and for our future children. A house close to my family's household where we can live in peace and quiet," he said pointing outside the window. "Hiro...I...I don't know what to say...this's big...I mean...I didn't expect this..." she said still looking at the blueprint.

"Sayuri, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to start a family with you. This is my way of showing it. I want you to be happy here. With me. Please say you'll accept it," he said, his voice soft but full of emotion.

Sayuri looked up from the blueprint, her eyes shining with tears. "Hiro, this is... more than I could ever ask for. Thank you," she said, her voice choked with emotion. She reached across the desk and took his hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "I love you too, Hiro. I want this as much as you do. I can't wait to be your wife and the mother of your children. I want to grow old with you in our new house."

The two of them sat there, holding hands, for a long moment, lost in each other's eyes.

A knock was heard, and they both snapped out of it, it was Nanami, Chika and Momo, and they all laughed. "We already know his plans, this is something that he wanted for you, I support it," Nanami said with a smile.

"Yes for centuries our clan has been expanding the bloodline in our household, and I think it's time for a change we're happy for you at least you will be close to ours" Chika added.

Momo nodded, a small smile playing on her lips

"I'm sure you'll make a beautiful home together, and you can visit us whenever you want." Momo glanced over at Hiro and Sayuri, her gaze warm and approving.

Sayuri felt a surge of happiness at their words of encouragement. She looked at Hiro, loving how he looked at her, and she knew they could create a wonderful life together.

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