Chapter 46

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Top picture is Hiro and Momo

Warning: Blood

A glowing leaf-like shield formed around Hiro, Momo out of nowhere charged at Sachikowith her sword and thrust it into her side. Sachiko fell back in pain, a surprised look on her face. "How dare you!" she shouted. "Hiro are you ok" Momo asked Hiro as she held Sachiko back. "I'm fine," Hiro said as he got back on his feet. "

"Will will look who it is, " Sachiko said as she got up. "It's Matsumoto's little princess I'm sorry to say this but it seems that your brother is not as strong as he thinks he is" Sachiko added as she saw Hiro breathing heavily as she laughed.

Momo glared at her "I'm not a princess nor am I Matsumoto's property. I'm my own person and I choose to stand by my brother's side." She said, her voice cold. "And you for calling him weak, you're wrong. he's stronger than you'll ever know. He's fought for what he believes in, and he's never giving up."

Hiro, breathing heavily, nodded in agreement.

"And you, Sachiko," Momo continued, her voice growing stronger. "You're nothing but a pathetic, power-hungry cunt. For you to think that you can kill our family and try to erase our family's history? You're wrong. The Matsumoto name will live on, Because of Hiro, me, and everyone else who believes in what we stand for and one day, you'll realize that when The Akuma Clan is nothing but a forgotten memory".

Sachiko's face turned red with anger as she heard Momo's words.

"You insolent little bitch! I'll show you what happens to those who defy me!" She raised her sword, intending to strike Momo down. But before she could, Hiro stepped in front of her, blocking her attack.

"No, Sachiko," he said, his voice firm but tired. "You've done enough". "Hiro... I'm sorry," Momo whispered, tears streaming down her face. "I couldn't let her hurt you."

"It's alright, Momo. I understand." He looked at her with a sad smile.

Sachiko stepped back "How sweet of you protecting your twin but too bad. I will kill you both and then take my vengeance on the rest of your pathetic family," she said as she unleashed her chains from her delusion. The chains grow long and wide as they twist around each other. She jumped back to attack them with her chains. Hiro and Momo jumped back to dodge the attack.

"We can't fight her like this" Momo said worried as she watched her brother struggle to defend against Sachiko's attack.

"I know, but we have to try" Hiro replied, his voice straining. He lunged forward, managing to deflect one of the chains  with his sword, but another one wrapped around his waist, throwing him off balance. Momo leapt forward, attempting to cut through the chain with her sword, but it was no use; the chain was too strong and resilient Sachiko laughed maniacally.

The two of them backed away, trying to find an opening in Sachiko's relentless assault. "We have to find a way to stop those chains!" Hiro shouted, gasping for air. "If we can't, we're dead!" Momo nodded in agreement, her eyes darting around, searching for an answer.

Momo uses her dendro vision to summon a storm of leaves and petals that blow toward Sachiko, distracting her for a moment. Hiro takes advantage of this opening, leaping forward and attempting to cut through the chains binding him. He manages to sever one of the chains, freeing himself. "Come on, Hiro!" Momo shouts, launching a flurry of leaf petals projectiles at Sachiko.

Sachiko growls in frustration as she deflects Momo's attack, her chains twisting and writhing around each other in a menacing dance. She narrows her eyes, focusing on Hiro. "You're not going to get away that easily!" She yells, charging forward with renewed fury. Hiro retreats, his sword at the ready, as Sachiko's chains lash out at him once more.

Hiro use his pyro vision to summon flames from his sword, trying to burn the chains and weaken them. The fire engulfs the chains, but Sachiko is unfazed. "Pathetic," she growls, shaking her head. "You think that's all you need to defeat me?" She laughs maniacally as she pulls the chains back, letting them spin around her like a cocoon. The chains glow red-hot, their strength seemingly renewed.

Momo's eyes widen in fear as she watches her brother struggle against the renewed onslaught. "Hiro, look out!" she shouts, but it's too late. A chain whips around Hiro's legs, tripping him up. He hits the ground hard, the wind knocked out of him. Sachiko advances, her chains twisting and snapping like a living whip as she prepares to deliver the killing blow.

Momo uses the storm leaves and petals to strike her again, they go into her face, blinding her as Hiro rolls out of the way and gets back to his feet. Momo summons a shield to protect them both. The chains bounce harmlessly off the shield as Hiro steps forward, his sword a blur of motion. He used the flames again to weaken the chains and cut them one by one.

Finally, Sachiko's chains were severed, leaving her defenceless.

Hiro and Momo took a moment to catch their breath, their swords still pointed at Sachiko. "She's not going to give up that easily," Momo warned. "We need to finish this." Hiro nodded grimly.

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