Chapter 61

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Meanwhile at Saki's Geisha household

A retired elderly geisha named Seina was helping with Cho's training. Saki was unavailable to train her today due to her and Madoka being currently busy. "Now remember to keep your eyes on the hand of the person you are serving. You don't want to miss their signals and accidentally spill the tea." Seina instructed her. Cho nodded and focused on practicing serving tea to her.

Cho practiced diligently, focusing on the elderly geisha's instructions, her movements were fluid and precise. She tried to imagine Saki watching her, giving her silent approval. The teacups glided gracefully across the tatami mat floor, never once threatening to spill a single drop.

The elderly geisha nodded with satisfaction, her wrinkled hand reaching out to steady a particularly tricky maneuver. "Very good, Cho. You're learning quickly. Remember, it's not just about the serving, but also about the connection you make with the person you're serving."

Cho's cheeks flushed with pride, and she bowed deeply to the elderly geisha. "Thank you, Madam Seina." "Now we can work on your dancing," Seina said with a smile.

Cho blushed again, feeling a bit nervous about the dancing. She had practiced diligently, but it was always easier to imagine Saki watching her when it came to the more formal aspects of being a geisha.

Nevertheless, she followed the elderly geisha into the dance training room her wooden sandals clicking against the floor.

Seina gestured for Cho to stand in front of the table. "Alright, Cho let's begin with some basic movements." Seina demonstrated a few simple steps and gestures, her movements graceful and fluid. Cho watched intently, trying to remember every detail.

As Cho practiced, she felt her confidence growing. Her steps became lighter and more graceful, and she began to enjoy the feeling of dancing. Seina encouraged her, offering gentle corrections and praise whenever necessary. "That's it, Cho you're doing very well. Now, let's try incorporating the fan into your movements."

Cho nodded. She held the fan delicately, feeling its weight in her hand. The elderly geisha demonstrated a few basic movements and then left Cho to practice on her own.

As Cho moved, she felt a connection to the fan, as if it were an extension of her body. The air currents created by the movement of the fan caressed her skin, and she could feel the rhythm of the music in her bones.

She danced for what felt like hours, losing herself in the beauty and grace of the movements. The room faded away, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, a feeling of belonging and purpose. When she finally finished, she bowed deeply to Seina, her cheeks flushed with happiness.

"Now let's try a new one, the dance that I'm gonna teach you is the one that I was taught when I was training, it's called the Dance of the Willow Tree," Seina said. Cho felt excited and honoured to be learning a dance that was taught to the senior retired geisha.

Seina began to hum a soft melody, the sound filling the room. Cho listened intently, trying to memorize the tune. The dance of the willow tree was traditionally performed to express the grace and flexibility of the willow tree and to evoke the feelings of longing and yearning that the tree embodied. As the elderly geisha continued to hum, she began to demonstrate the steps of the dance.

The movements were flowing and lyrical, like the swaying branches of a willow tree in the wind. Cho watched closely, her heart beating faster with anticipation. The elderly geisha instructed her to stand with her weight on one leg, the other leg bent and raised behind her. She held her arms out to the side, fingers gracefully curved like the willow's branches.

As the humming continued, Cho began to move in time with the melody. Her body felt light and supple, responding instinctively to the ancient rhythm. She leaned forward slightly, allowing her body to undulate like the willow's trunk, her arms sweeping through the air with a fluidity that was both powerful and delicate.

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