Chapter 64

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Ayaka, a Yashiro officer, construction workers and a few architects were in the forest outside of Ritou, as they were renovating The Iwashiro Shrine building. The construction workers were busy, using their tools to cut down trees and clear out the area.

 The architects were carefully measuring and drawing up plans for the new addition to the shrine. As Ayaka walked through the forest, she couldn't help but feel a sense of connection to the land and its history.

She approached one of the construction workers, a burly man with a thick beard, and asked him about his work. He smiled proudly and told her about their various techniques to ensure the new structure would be strong and sturdy. 

"It's an honour to be a part of this project," he said, wiping sweat from his brow. "This shrine has been here for generations, and we're making sure it'll be here for generations."

She walks up to the lead architect who looking at the blueprint of a small teahouse that is going to be built by the river.

"Good morning," she said with a polite bow.

The led architect looked up from his blueprints and nodded in return. "Ah, it's good to see you again, Ayaka. We've made some progress since you were last here." He pointed to a spot along the riverbank where the teahouse had already been located. "The stonework should be complete by the end of the week."

Ayaka smiled, pleased with the progress. She took a deep breath in, taking in the scent of the pine trees mixed with the aroma of the forest floor.

"How are the other workers doing?" she asked, glancing around. The architect nodded and gestured towards a group of men who were carving delicate designs into the wooden beams that would support the teahouse's roof. "They're doing very well," he said. "They've been working on those beams for several days now, and they're nearly finished."

Ayaka walked over to the group of carvers, watching as they expertly wielded their chisels and mallets. She noticed one of the workers, a young man with a bright smile and a nimble hand, seemed to be particularly skilled. "He's been working with wood all his life," the lead carver said, seeing her attention. "He's the best we've got."

The young carver looked up and bowed respectfully to Ayaka. "It's an honour to be a part of this project, ma'am," he said humbly. "We're doing our best to make sure the teahouse is something that the people of Ritou will cherish for years to come." His words filled Ayaka with pride and a sense of responsibility.

She walks to the forest entrance where a Tori gate is being built. The workers were busy putting it together. The gate was painted in red and black color, with beautiful gold trimming on it. The design on the gate was of a crane and a turtle, symbolizing longevity and steadfastness.

"Good morning," she greeted the lead worker as she approached. He nodded in return, wiping sweat from his brow. "It's a beautiful day for construction," he said, grinning. "The Tori gate is almost complete. We should have it finished by the end of the week."

Ayaka looked up at the towering gate, taking in its majestic presence. It was clear that a great deal of care and craftsmanship had gone into its construction. 

She walked around it, admiring the intricate details of the crane and turtle design. "It's going to be a magnificent addition to the shrine," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

She walks to the fountain that is already built when people visit the shrine they can use the fountain to wash their hands and mouth. The water flows from the wooden pipes into the small basin. The sound of water trickling and bubbling was soothing and relaxing.

"Good morning," she said to the lead gardener who was busy planting new flowers around the fountain

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"Good morning," she said to the lead gardener who was busy planting new flowers around the fountain. "The fountain looks lovely. It completes the peaceful atmosphere of the shrine." 

The lead gardener nodded in agreement, carefully placing a new flower into the soil. "Yes, we've worked hard to make sure everything is in its place. We want the shrine to be a sanctuary for all who visit."

Ayaka walked around the fountain, admiring the intricate carvings on the wooden basin. The carvings depicted various scenes from nature, each telling a story of harmony and balance. She ran her fingers over the smooth wood, feeling the artisan's love for their craft. 

As she stood there, she closed her eyes and listened to the gentle trickle of water, letting the sounds wash away any worries or distractions.

"My lady the shrine maidens are here for the shrine job interview," A Yashiro officer said to Ayaka.

Ayaka nodded, her eyes still closed, as she took a deep breath of the forest air. "Thank you, officer." She opened her eyes and went upstairs towards the entrance of the shrine, where eleven young women were standing, each dressed in traditional white robes. They bowed respectfully as they were introduced to the shrine's overseer.

"Welcome, ladies," Ayaka began, her voice calm and reassuring. "Thank you for coming today. As you know, the position of shrine maiden is a great honour and responsibility. It is my duty to find the best candidates to serve Iwashiro Shrine." She paused, taking a moment to study the faces before her. "I have high hopes for all of you, and I know that you have each prepared diligently for this interview."

The young women nodded in unison, their expressions eager and respectful. One by one, they stepped forward to introduce themselves and share their reasons for wanting to serve the shrine. 

Some spoke of their deep connection to the spirits of the forest, while others talked about their desire to continue the traditions of their ancestors.

Ayaka listened intently, taking note of each candidate's sincerity and passion. As they spoke, she found herself admiring the beauty of their robes, the way the white fabric billowed gently in the breeze. 

She wondered which of these promising six young women would be chosen to join the ranks of Iwashiro Shrine's shrine maidens.

When the last candidate had finished speaking, Ayaka stood up, her expression thoughtful. "Thank you all for your heartfelt words," she said. "It was a pleasure to meet each of you. I know that you all have the potential to serve Iwashiro Shrine with honour and dedication."

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "However, I can only choose five of you today. I want to assure you that this was not an easy decision, as each of you brought something special to the table. Nevertheless, I must make my choices based on what I feel is best for the shrine at this time."

The candidates anxiously waited for her to announce her decision, their hearts racing in anticipation. Ayaka looked at each of them one last time, searching for the qualities that she felt were most important for a shrine maiden to possess. Finally, she cleared her throat and began to speak.

"It is with great pleasure that I announce the six new shrine maidens of Iwashiro Shrine. They are..." She paused, glancing at a list she had been holding. "Kagami, Mana, Sango, Yume, Aoi and Sumire." 

The young women whose names were called burst into smiles, their relief and joy evident on their faces. They bowed deeply to Ayaka in gratitude, promising to serve the shrine faithfully for the rest of their lives.

Ayaka smiled warmly at them, her eyes shining with pride. "I have every confidence that you will continue to uphold the traditions of Iwashiro Shrine and protect its sacred grounds. You have all shown great potential, and I look forward to watching you grow into your roles as shrine maidens."



Kamisato Ayaka is own by Hoyoverse

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