Eri's lullaby

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Tomura Shigaraki sat in his darkened bedroom, the only light source being a flimsy lamp on the desk that flickered dangerously every five seconds. There were several folders laid out in front of him, neatly stored into tiny stacks for easier investigating. He eyed them critically, hands folded together, and then decided to open the rightest one and read it over. While doing so, the man could not stop the running thoughts in his head, "Who does this stupid shit of a Yakuza thug think he is, claiming to know my nemesis better than I do? And then to have the nerve to try and take the boy from me and our shared destiny? To even suggest the hero would change sides like that and abandon all he stood for. I will show that asshole..."

He would see, Tomura could be petty and annoying too. He'll play along, but only until the time was right.

The pile of reports he had in hand was suspiciously light, so Tomura dismissed it as unimportant and went to pick something else up when he took notice. They all looked so... Empty? Incomplete? Why hadn't he noticed before? Did Kurogiri mess up and only deliver half of the documents asked? Or where the rest stored in a different place entirely? No, copies can travel between schools or cities, but the originals are always kept in the archives.

So what the fuck is this?

Shigaraki shuffled through the piles again, no folder or paper going unexamined. The villain was positively appalled. It really did seem like this was all of them. He wasn't expecting anything extensive considering Midoriya's young age and a clear lack of large surgeries or other operations, but this was just ridiculous.

There were all of the maternity clinic reports, the, few, occasional health check-up, a couple of doctors' visits, one recipe for medicine to be picked up at a local pharmacy, only a single quirk specialist appointment and three x-rays.

And by ever-loving god, there should have been much, much more, any responsible parent takes their kid to see a doctor at least annually. The villain expected there to be appointments to see a quirk specialist or a counsellor and even x-rays from quirk accident and many a incident record. Was it possible the boy just never got to use it properly and was never injured until high school? No, there was no way that was the case.

Where were all of the dentists records, the proper weight and height charts, the history of illnesses, reports of physical therapy to help with rehabilitation after being injured or orders to see a quirk specialist to help manage his quirk? The rate the boy broke his bones should have been alarming to any healthcare professional, but there weren't any indications he ever got treated or was even seen for his out-of-control quirk. Even if these fractures started first appearing at U.A. there should have been some form of physiotherapy prescribed by the school. The lack of any sort of counselling was concerning, the blatant neglect from the adults around Midoriya left the villain open-mouthed.

He looked at the one pharmacy delivery instruction slip and frowned. It was an order for spray on burn gel, not what he had expected at all.

Were Midoriya's vitals never taken? Had he even seen a proper doctor? Why wasn't the boy prescribed calcium or vitamin-K, or vitamin-D tablets, with a quirk like that? Or join support supplements? Or fucking strong painkillers? The kid tore his muscles on a weekly basis but did not receive any orders for Omega-3 or vitamin A pills. He must have at some point been in enough pain to pass out, and yet there was nothing.

"...That could explain why the brat has such a high pain tolerance."

He scanned the maternity clinic records rather hurriedly, they had no useful information, but it wasn't like he had anything better to do at this time. A healthy pregnancy, no complications at birth, mother recovered quickly and got to go home with the baby after the standard five days, yada, yada. He continued his investigation by reading one of two doctors interviews.

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