I still play your last voicemail on loop,
And I know I can never answer your calls
Or return them.
But even so your voice still echoes through the static of my speakers.
And I can't tell if you lied when you apologized, but I know that you haunt me.
Even now, your ghost follows me;
Reminding me of what we had,
But you destroyed me.
Not a thing inside my head is left untouched from the tidal wave that
I have under your name in my contacts.
What we had was not real,
You said it was so that you could drag me into your world of darkness:
A hellish abyss, and your demons encircled me and
Whispered sweet nothings into my ears.
And I had nothing else to hold onto so I grabbed the hand you offered and
Followed you into the woods.
So I am not sorry for declining all your calls
I am sorry that I let you change me
I'm sorry that I drank your poison

We Write for Fear of Silence
Poetry{My soul put into words. Writing is how I put myself back together again. Writing is how I love.} **all poems are mine** HIGHEST RANKING: #30 IN POETRY & #1 IN TEEN POETRY