If you had three wishes
You'd wish for:1. A rainbow sky
Lighting up the streets;
So you could dance
Underneath the gaze of the sun.2. An endless supply of old horror movies,
The ones with cheap special effects and fake blood.And
3. Someone to watch them with.
Because you love kissing as some boring flick plays in the background.You could list off a hundred and one
Things you love
Before my name would cross your mind.But it used to be that,
Once upon a time,
those four letters
Would roll off your tongue
So easily.Once upon a time
You promised me
A future,
But you took my Hope
and burned it.So now my head spins with late night thoughts
I loved you
I loved you
I love you.And if this was one of my romance novels
One day you'd see
It was me all along,But reality is rather bitter
And confectioners sugar can only do so
Much to cover it up,
The aftertaste of medication
Threatens to choke me again.You could make a million phone calls.
Or write a thousand letters,
sending them off like dashed hopes and rekindled flames,
but a relit cigarette will never taste the sameAnd not one of them
Would be
For me.

We Write for Fear of Silence
Poetry{My soul put into words. Writing is how I put myself back together again. Writing is how I love.} **all poems are mine** HIGHEST RANKING: #30 IN POETRY & #1 IN TEEN POETRY