Lost in the cosmos
She is the stardust after a supernova
In the dark between Jupiter and the moon
She is the sound of rebirth
She is ever present in a world she doesn't exist in.
In her empty chair at a family dinner
She is the ghost that steals all the air in the room
Inky sky stains the seat
In the back of a classroom
That no one will touch
Because star-girl touched it first.
And from her perch on the rings of Saturn
She is the other half to a broken boy
Who will never find his fit
In the place where the lost are found
She is a ghost left to haunt
The dusty corners of the universe

We Write for Fear of Silence
Poetry{My soul put into words. Writing is how I put myself back together again. Writing is how I love.} **all poems are mine** HIGHEST RANKING: #30 IN POETRY & #1 IN TEEN POETRY