Short Scene #1

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Setting- (Evan’s room)  *DAHLIA'S POV*

Dahlia: *tiredly changes into some of her old pajamas that Evan kept* 

Dahlia: *sits on the bed and reflects on her and Evan’s conversation* 

Dahlia: *remembers him saying he slept with Corina, her eyes fill with tears and she knows it's her fault* 

Dahlia: *becomes angry and grabs her phone and checks the time*

Dahlia’s Phone: 12:58 AM *she decides to text Corina* 


                                             D- Hey, you up?

      C- Hiii, ugh yes. Can’t sleep :( 

                         D- Haha, same.
                         D- Wanna meet for brunch

      C- Uhh, yes! What time and where?

                         D- Yay! 10:30? Bruno’s? ;)

         C- Totally ;)))) I’ve missed youuu

                         D- Miss you too. I have something for

      C- Oooo, you spoil me. Date me already ;)

                         D- Lol, see you tomorrow..

      C- Goodnight 🙂


Dahlia: *sighs, trying to come up with a plan in her head* 

Dahlia: *scrolling through her contacts, she sees Ty’s name and decides to give him a call*

Ty- "Hi princess.. I'm surprised you called me this late."

D- *rolls her eyes* "You’re a dick, a small dick that satisfies no one. I hope what you said was worth it. I heard your punishment was cruel.."

Ty- "You–"

D- *hangs up the phone, regretting even calling him* *she gets under the covers sighing, rolls over and goes to sleep* 


*Hello guys, this was a very short scene I decided to include following Part 1. I hope this isn't confusing to anyone, but I hope you guys liked this little short scene. I will be adding more short scenes throughout this story.*

PSA- I forgot I had another short scene after this following Evan's POV, so uhhh that will be up next..


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