Short Scene #6

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Setting- (Bathroom)

Dahlia: *taking a steamy shower, thinking about everything that's happened since last night*

Dahlia: *sighs and grabs her lofa; getting it all soapy* "Hey Alexa, play I Feel Like I'm Drowning by Two Feet."

(Alexa): "Okay, now playing I Feel Like I'm Drowning by Two Feet."

–Clock reads 12:18 AM–

Evan: *walks into the house, heading to the room*

Evan: *he walks in, realizing Dahlia isn't there.. but hears music playing* *he takes off his jacket and shoes and heads into the bathroom*

Dahlia: *washing her body and humming along to the music playing*

Evan: *walks into the bathroom, seeing Dahlia taking a shower.. he smirks*

Dahlia: *turns around and sees Evan standing in the bathroom staring at her* *she blushes, but then remembers earlier and quickly turns her back*

Evan: *smirks, knowing that he's been hurting her lately* *he gets undressed and gets into the shower with Dahlia*

Dahlia: *ignores him and pretends he's not there*

Evan: *wraps his arms around her, hugging her* "I missed you, baby."

Dahlia: *feels her eyes starting to fill with tears, she tries to hold them in*

Evan: *he turns her around to face him* *looking in her eyes, seeing all the damage he's caused*

Dahlia: *she smiles faintly* "I missed you too, honey."

Evan: *he smiles at her, caressing her cheek.. giving her a tender, sweet kiss* "You are my safety, my world, my peace, my everything.. you know that."

Dahlia: *she sighs, but smiles at him* "I know." "Are you better now?"

Evan: *smirks* "Yes, I'm better now." "I'm sorry about last night and today, I couldn't help it." "You know I hate hurting you and seeing you hurt, Dahlia."

Dahlia: *she nods* "I know, I know it's not your fault." "I'm just glad you're better."

Evan: *he kisses her forehead* "With you, I'll always be better." "You know I'd never hurt you either, you know how obsessive and possessive I can be towards you."

Dahlia: *giggles* "I know, I think it's cute though." "You just scared me earlier, it's been a long time since it's been that bad.." *she says, saddened*

Evan: *he cups her face* "I know, I know baby." "It's going to be okay, I'm trying to control it."

Evan: *he looks down at her scar a few inches from her heart*

Dahlia: *she notices and tries to cover it with her hair* "Baby–"

Evan: *he moves her hair and kisses her scar, then kisses her softly* "I'm sorry."

Dahlia: *smiles at him sweetly* "It's not your fault, baby. Don't ever blame yourself for that again, I can't lose you and I won't."

Evan: *his eyes filled with tears, he still holds regret and guilt for that day* "I don't know how you can love me."

Dahlia: "I wouldn't worry about that, just know that I do and I always will." *she says, wrapping her arms around his neck*

Evan: "Hey Alexa, play Love is a Bitch by Two feet."

(Alexa): "Okay, now playing Love is a Bitch by Two feet."

Evan: *smirks at her and picks her up* "I love you, baby girl."

Dahlia: *laughs and wraps her legs around him* "I love you too, daddy."

Evan: *he kisses her passionately, bringing her under the water*


Backstory- The scar that Dahlia has is a few inches away from her heart. Here is the reason why Dahlia and Evan broke up 2 years ago... As we all know of Evan's mental disorders now, he was the cause of their breakup. One day Dahlia went home; which at the time was an apartment her and Evan had purchased together and is actually the apartment Dahlia lived at throughout the beginning of the story. Anyways, the whole apartment was torn inside out. Waiting for her in the corner of the room was Evan... Evan had been trying to get ahold of her, but her phone was dead. He freaked out over this minor inconvenience and his switch flipped. Long story short, they got into a very heated verbal and physical argument/altercation. This led Dahlia to propose they take a short break from each other because she knew Evan needed real help. Of course, Evan did not like the sound of this proposal... so he grabbed a knife because "If I can't have you, no one can..." type vibe. He was obviously not in his right mind and this caused the argument to become even more heated leading Evan to stab Dahlia in the heart trying to kill her. Thankfully, Evan missed by mere inches. Dahlia was bleeding out and eventually passed out, causing Evan to think he had killed her. He went on to stab himself afterwards, but luckily his security heard a bunch of commotion and eventually barged into the apartment. Dahlia and Evan were both admitted to the hospital to treat their wounds. Once they were cleared, Evan was admitted back into the ward for his actions... Eventually, Dahlia was readmitted into the ward as well... resulting in their breakup later on.

WOW, this was a crazy backstory to write... I hope none of you readers were confused by this

Thanks much for reading this short scene and let me know how you guys liked it!

*Stay tuned for more uploads coming soon*

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