Part 4

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Dahlia: *heads out of Home Depot furiously* *opens car door and gets in* 

Dahlia: *she starts talking to herself* “Surprised he drove himself here, what an asshole Dahlia, what are you doing?” 

Evan: *approaches car and puts the door in the back* *opens up his door* 

Dahlia: *turns to him with an attitude* “Took long enough.” 

Evan: *not interested in her attitude* “I’ll have one of my guys put the door up, until then you can go back to the house with me.” 

Dahlia: *sighs* “I don’t want to go back with you though, you treat me like shit.” 

Dahlia: “You realize that’s one of the main reasons I left you in the first place.. Right?”

Evan: *scoffs, trying to control his temper* “Why would you sleep with my brother?” “Right, exactly.. stop acting like you don’t know why I’m acting like this.”

Dahlia: “You’ve always been this way, but now it’s so much worse.” 

Evan: *sighs* “Because I love you, I will control you til the day you die.” “You are mine, what don’t you get?” 

Dahlia: *tries to hold back tears* “You don’t even care..” 

Evan: *sighs* “Stop crying, I hate seeing you that way.”

Dahlia: *scoffs under her breath* “Please, you made me this way.. didn’t you.” 

Evan: “I’ll do better for you.”

Dahlia: *rolls her eyes* “Mhm.” 

Evan: *pulls out of the parking lot and heads home* 

Dahlia: *looks out the window in silence* *turns to him* “Pause the game we’re playing and be honest with me.” 

Evan: *nods* “Okay, what is it princess?” 

Dahlia: *tries not to let that word affect her* “Tell me you didn’t really sleep with Corina..”

Evan: *sighs* “What will it change?”

Dahlia: *looks at him like he’s the only thing she has in the world* “Everything. It would change everything.” 

Evan: “What do you mean?”

Dahlia: *sighs, putting her head down* “I didn’t sleep with Ty, it was my last move once we broke up- once I broke up with you.. Ty took it too far though..” 

Evan: *grips the steering wheel in anger* “What?”

Dahlia: *she starts to get nervous, noticing his anger* “I–I didn’t sleep wi–”

Evan: *he starts fuming, speeding the car up* “Yeah, I fucking heard you.”

Dahlia: *stares at him with tears in her eyes* “I’m sorry.” “I just wanted to see you again, since I couldn’t find you in the ward.” 

Evan: “Fuck” *he yells* *tears start to pour down his face, anger and regret set in* 

Dahlia: “Ev–”

Evan: *sighs* “Dahlia” *he says hoarsely* “Why, why would you do this to me?”

Dahlia: “I’m sorry” *she says with tears streaming down her face* “I didn’t know you would retaliate like that..”

Evan: *sighs* “I tried sleeping with her to get back at you, but I didn't go all the way.”

Dahlia: *she feels relieved by this answer for some reason* “What do you mean?”

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