Short Scene #2

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Setting- (Another room in the house)

Evan: “I shouldn’t even have to tell you.” *he says annoyed* 

Langdon: “Sorry, just felt like old times, I know sir.” *he says dispirited* 

Evan: “It’s not old times, she's different. Way more than she led on..” 

Langdon: “Give her time, she always comes around brother.” 

Evan: *furious thinking about old memories* “I wanna snap her neck for what she did.” 

Langdon: *sighs* “Brother–”

Evan: “Shhh, I know what I did, but only because she did first.” 

Langdon: *rolls his eyes* “What’s done is done sir, you either want her or you don’t.” 

Evan: *looks at the time & walks out of the room* *walks into his bedroom, turns on his lights, & sees Dahlia sleeping peacefully in his bed*

Evan: *the sight of her sleeping in his bed in the house they picked out before things ended makes him feel turned on, angry, & happy* 

Evan: *he decides to walk over to her and run his hands through her hair* *he bends down and whispers in her ear* “Tell me Mrs. Mancini, how wet were you in the car on the way here?” 

Dahlia: *no response, as she felt him enter the room; she remained as still and asleep as possible* *trying not to flinch at his words or touch* 

Evan: *smirks* “Bummer.” *he heads out of the room, deciding to give her space tonight* 


*I hope you guys enjoyed short scene #2, following Part 1. Hope there is no confusion, I am rushing a bit to upload today's sections by 9AM*

PSA- Not all of my short scenes contain separate points of view, but I just wanted to clarify these two scenes because both characters have separate points of view

*Also feel free to check out my side comment on this scene that I left, much appreciated*


*Back to our regular scheduled program.. Part 2, UP NEXT.. keep reading*

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