Short Scene #5

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Setting- (Evan's house)

Dahlia: *pulls into the driveway to see Evan waiting for her*

Dahlia: *she smiles and gets out of the car*

Evan: "Were you safe?" *he says in a serious tone*

Dahlia: "Yes, I was safe." *she says as she walks over to him to embrace him*

Evan: *picks her up and hugs her tightly*

Dahlia: *she wraps her arms around his neck & laughs a little* "I missed you too, baby."

Evan: *smirks at her* "Oh, you missed me huh?" *he says kissing her*

Dahlia: *smiles at him, heart full of joy* "You're cute."

Evan: *laughs under his breath* "Thank you baby girl." "But you," *he whispers in her ear*

Evan: "Well you, everytime I look at you, I get so hard."

Dahlia: *blushes, but rolls her eyes* "You are so sexual."

Evan: *smirks* "What can I say?" "You just do something to me." "The way you speak, your presence, your beauty, your knowledge, all of it.."

Dahlia: "You really know how to flatter a girl." *she says smirking at him*

Evan: "So, can we go let out some sexual tension before we go to the store.. room?"

Dahlia: "Nope, store first.. then whatever you want."

Evan: *sighs* "Fine, I'll listen to you just this once." *he says smirking, putting her down*

Dahlia: "Okay, let's go." *she says walking to the car*

Evan: *grabs her hair and pulls her back, wanting her to feel how hard he is* "Devil."

Dahlia: *gets flustered* "Come on honey, in and out of the store.. it will be quick."

Evan: "It will be quick, she says." *he says in mocking tone and walks to the car*

Dahlia: *laughs at him and gets into the car*

Dahlia: *pulls out of the driveway*

Evan: *turns to her* "What have you been up to today?"

Dahlia: *shrugs* "Nothing really, just working on some stuff on the computer."

Evan: *smirks at her* "I love how you continued to manage the business that we invested into together, even when we were no longer together."

Dahlia: *smirks* "I'm happy that I did. Thank you for including me in the business."

Evan: *caresses her cheek* "You're my everything, you're a part of everything."

Dahlia: *smiles; blushing* "What have you been up to today?"

Evan: "I had a meeting for the property and they said we could go ahead and sign, so I did."

Dahlia: *surprise crosses her face* "Well, that's good news." "So, another club, huh?"

Evan: *chuckles under his breath* "Yeah, Dahlia's."

Dahlia: *shocked* "Me..?"


This short scene was fun to write, you get to see their growth since we haven't seen them in a month in the story... they can be so sweet to each other!

*I hope you guys enjoyed reading short scene #4 & #5, as they both flow into each other*

PART 6 is up next, so keep reading... much appreciated for reading "EverLasting"

P.S. - This short scene flows right into part 6, so there is no confusion...

*PSA- Things heat up in part 6, there is MATURE content in part 6 as this is a MATURE story!!*

the Jaded Hearts Club <3

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