Short Scene #3

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Short Scene- Setting (Home Depot) 

Dahlia: *walks around the store trying to find the door aisle* 

Evan: *watches her closely, events from earlier playing in his head* 

Dahlia: *turns to him* “Here’s the door section.”

Evan: “Okay, pick one that fits your apartment.” 

Dahlia: *goes down the aisle looking for a door* *she turns to him* “Why do you treat me this way?” 

Evan: “Because, I love you.” “You’re mine.” 

Dahlia: *sighs* *she knows this isn’t love, but she can’t help but feel a light with his words* 

Dahlia: *spots a door that she likes* “I like this door, do you think it’s nice?” 

Evan: *lost in his thoughts, anger filling his head* “Get it so we can go.”

Dahlia: “Rude and pushy, you didn’t even look at it.” “Why are you always in a rush?” 

Evan: “I’m not, just have better things to do.” 

Dahlia: “Like spend time with your girlfriend Corina?” *she says spitefully*

Evan: *ignores her, replaying their encounter earlier in his mind*  

Dahlia: *rolls her eyes* “You can get the door, i’m going to the fucking car.” *she says fed up*

Evan: *let’s her go, still stuck in his head*


Hello All, I hope you enjoyed reading this short scene following part 3... I make these short scenes, so we can all see little bits into the characters lives!

*This short scene flows right into Part 4, just a heads up.. so no one feels confused..*

THANKS MUCH FOR READING.. keep reading to see what happens next in PART 4!

          the Jaded Hearts Club <3

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