Part 8

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Clock: 11:17 AM

Evan: *sits up in bed, being careful not to wake Dahlia up* *he kisses her forehead, trying to remember the events that took place last night*

Dahlia: *starts to wake up, groaning and feeling groggy*

Evan: *watches her closely*

Dahlia: *wakes up and sits up slowly* *she feels raw and sore everywhere*

Evan: *eyes her, seeing all that he caused to her last night* *he clenches his jaw*

Dahlia: *she sees Evan staring at her, looking angry* *she smiles groggily at him* "Good morning..?"

Evan: *trying to force a smile, seeing that he's bruised her whole entire body, but can't fully remember how*

Dahlia: *she looks at him wearily* "What's wrong, baby?"

Evan: *he has a worried look on his face now* "Do you remember last night?"

Dahlia: *she looks at him confused, recalling last night in her memories* "I–I." *she says trying to jog her memory*

Evan: *he laughs smugly* "Yeah, what about last night do you remember, huh?" *he says angrily*

Dahlia: *looks confused* "Why are you angry?" *she says touching her throat, realizing it feels so sore*

Evan: *anger fills his veins* "What do you remember, Dahlia"

Dahlia: *looks taken aback* "I–I remember you telling me to put on Halloween pajamas because you were taking me somewhere, but we never went because.." *she says confused–*

Evan: *laughs under his breath* "Because of what, huh?"

Dahlia: *thinking, suddenly her memories come flooding back* "Because– we ended up having a goodnight at home.. in bed together."

Evan: *stares at her, words can't form* *clenching his jaw*

Dahlia: *stares at him, scared* "What's wrong?" "I thought we had a good time?"

Evan: *he laughs hysterically* "A good time, Ia.." "Go look in the mirror." *he lifts her off of him*

Dahlia: *she realizes he was still inside of her since last night, she blushes* *she gets up feeling sore and goes to the mirror*

Dahlia: *she looks into the mirror to find bruises all over her body, her throat looks like someone tried to suffocate her to death.. her wrists swollen and red from her trying to get out of the handcuffs, her breasts covered in bruises..*

Evan: *watches her intently as she sees what he's done to her*

Dahlia: *she looks up at him, remembering that he switched last night* "Hey–" *trying to comfort him because this is the first time in a long time that she's been through this with him*

Evan: *doesn't meet her gaze*

Dahlia: *scoffs under her breath* "So, what you can't look at me now?" "Did you think I wouldn't figure my body would look like this after last night?"

Evan: *he glares at her* "Are you kidding me?"

Dahlia: "No, are you kidding me?" "My memory is coming back. I remember everything you did, and I remember passing out last night." "It's okay, I'm okay." "I liked it a lot, I really enjoyed myself?" *she says, trying to shift the energy in the room*

Evan: *sighs* "Ia– it's not okay that you enjoyed that at all.."

Dahlia: *cuts him off* "Please– do you even hear yourself, as if you didn't enjoy every second of what happened last night?"

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