Part 3

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Setting- (Bruno's)

Dahlia: *arrives at Bruno's* "Thank you, I have a ride back, so you can go."

Mr. Costello: *ignores her*

Dahlia: *gets out of the car & watches Mr. Costello park*

Dahlia: "Or not." *walks into Bruno's and spots Corina*

Corina: *waves at Dahlia, excitedly* "Hi, my beautiful."

Dahlia: *tries to keep calm* "Hi, you're here before me."

Corina: *laughs* "Well, it is 11 o'clock.. you're late." "What was holding you up?"

Dahlia: *remembering earlier* *shrugs* "Nothing was." "Have you ordered?"

Corina: "No, I figured I'd wait for you." *she says smiling, noticing hickies on her neck*

Dahlia: "Hm."

Corina: "You alright, you seem a bit off today?" *not mentioning the fact Dahlia's neck is covered with hickies*

Dahlia: "How do I seem off today?"

Corina: "4 days ago you weren't acting like this.. is something wrong?"

Dahlia: *feels fire through her body, but remains calm* "Yeah, something is wrong actually."

Corina: *stares at her, waiting*

Dahlia: "Do you know why I wanted to come to brunch today?"

Corina: "Because you missed me?" *she says smiling*

Dahlia: *laughs under her breath* "Cause I missed you?"

Corina: "What?" *she says with a confused look on her face*

Dahlia: "I'm gonna be completely honest here because you clearly have no clue.." "I didn't come to eat brunch with your dumbass." "I came to tell you something important has been brought to my attention."

Corina: *a worried look shadows across her face* "W-What are you talking about..?"

Dahlia: *rolls her eyes* "Please, you wanted to know what I felt like so bad.."

Corina: "W-What" *fear sets in*

Dahlia: *sighs* "Why would you even think of such a thing.. Why would you sleep with him, huh" *she says calmly, but fiercely*

Corina: "Sleep with who?" *she plays dumb*

Dahlia: "Corina, please don't play stupid right now." "Do you know who I am?"

Corina: "Dahli please I–"

Dahlia: "Don't Dahli me, you knew what you did & came around me acting like you did nothing."

Corina: "No, please I'm sorry." "Dahli-Dahlia, you know how much I love you.. I–I.."

Dahlia: *scoffs* "Save it, honestly." "I will never forgive you for this."

Corina: "Please–" *she says with tears filling in her eyes*

Dahlia: "No, you loved me enough to sleep with my ex, the love of my life?" "Are you crazy?"

Dahlia: "I haven't figured out your punishment yet, but until then I hope you're miserable. May happiness never find you & when it does.. I will ruin it." *she says coldly and walks away*

Corina: "Dahlia–" *she says in fear & regret*

Dahlia: *turns around & gets in Corina's face* "I should slit your throat for your betrayal."

Corina: *stares in disbelief & fear*

Dahlia: *incoming call from Langdon* *rolls her eyes* "What could he possibly want right now."

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