Part 11

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Setting- (Evan's room)

Clock 1:27 PM

Dahlia: *she wakes the next afternoon, with a throbbing headache*

Dahlia: *she sits up, groaning* "Ugh, I can't believe I drank that much."

Dahlia: *she notices a note beside her from Evan*

Note: Whenever you wake up sleepy head, I hope you slept well. I had business to take care of this morning, so I could not stay in with you. If you need medicine there is some on the bedside table with water waiting for you. Text me when you wake. I love you. -Yours truly

Dahlia: *her face spreads with a smile, she turns to the bedside table; blushing*

Dahlia: "He is a sweetheart deep down." *she whispers to herself*

Dahlia: *she holds her head groaning, she grabs the medicine to fix her hangover*

Dahlia: *she grabs her phone and sends Evan a text that she's up*


D- Hi honey, I just woke up 🙂

E- About time you got up, I was beginning to worry...

D- Haha, I drank way too much last night..

D- Thank you for the sweet note and medicine ♥️

E- You're welcome, anything for my baby girl.

E- I also figured you'd need it.. 👍

D- When will you be home?

E- I am working late tonight. Meetings and such.

D- Oh. Okay.

E- Don't worry, I'll be home as soon as I can.

D- Alright, I'm going to get up. 🚿

E- Don't forget there is still a punishment awaiting you.

D- Uh huh. I love you.

E- I love you too. 😏 ♥️


Dahlia: *sighs, gets up and goes to take a shower*

–Moments Later–

Dahlia: *out of the shower, drying her hair with a towel*

Dahlia: *she walks out of the bathroom to her dresser and picks out a comfy outfit*

Dahlia: *she smells something, a pleasant aroma coming from the kitchen*

Dahlia: *she gets dressed and heads to the kitchen*

Dahlia: "Ah Chef, what are you doing here today?"

Chef: "Evening Mrs. Mancini. Mr. Mancini requested me here to assist you today."

Dahlia: *blushes* "He did, did he." "Well, you did not have to come over here on your day off."

Chef: "Mr. Mancini requested ma'am." *he says, stirring a pot full of soup*

Dahlia: "It smells good, whatever you are cooking."

Chef: *smiles shyly* "It's chicken noodle soup ma'am."

Dahlia: *rolls her eyes* "Chef, I told you to call me Dahlia.. not ma'am or whatever else."

Chef: "I'm sorry, ma'am. It's Mr. Mancini's orders.." *he says hesitantly*

Dahlia: "Ah, I see. Well he isn't here, so you may call me Dahlia."

Chef: *nods*

Dahlia: "Chicken noodle soup is the perfect hangover cure, especially now that it's getting colder out."

Chef: *laughs under his breath* "Mr. Mancini requested it. He's got excellent timing and taste, I suppose."

Dahlia: *blushes* "I suppose he does."

–Evan's Social Club–

Evan: *looks up at the clock*

Clock: 6:32 PM

Lucchi: "Mr. Mancini, I've got word your brother just arrived on the premises."

Evan: *nods* "Have him personally escorted to my office."

Lucchi: *nods* "I'll let someone know sir."

Ty: *enters his office* "Evening, Mr. Mancini."

Evan: *eyes him* "Have a seat."

Ty: *sits across from him, feeling nervous*

Evan: *sighs* "So, what have you been up to?"

Ty: "Nothing much, besides being isolated from my family."

Evan: *shrugs* "Have you been making any efforts to fix your mistakes?"

Ty: *fidgets with his hands* "By that, you mean stop seeing Corina?"

Evan: *smirks* "Tsk, you've made a lot more than just that.. don't you think?"

Ty: *his face stiffens, clearing his throat* "I've been in communication with mother lately."

Evan: *clenches his jaw, he sits up straight* "Don't try to change the subject."

Ty: *scoffs under his breath* "That's your reaction?"

Evan: "I can't tell if you're trying to dig your hole deeper."

Ty: *he clears his throat, nervous* "I-I'm not. I just thought you should kno–"

Evan: "Know what?" "That you're a momma's boy?" "I mean I can't even say I'm surprised, it was only a matter of time before you reached back out to her."

Ty: *rolls his eyes* "Enough Evan, holy fuck. I'm over this bullshit. You ice out anyone who doesn't please you, and I'm tired of it."

Ty: "I'm your younger brother, and you treat me as if I'm nothing to you." *he says, fed up*

Evan: *a smirk forms across his face* "Well, well. About time you stuck up for yourself."

Evan: "Took you long enough." "Listen to me, it's tough love. No one else is here to give it to you."

Ty: *relief fills him, as he expected his brother to react much differently*

Evan: "What you have been doing lately however, is wrong and it will not be tolerated." *he says harshly*

Ty: *he drops his head* "Yes sir, I apologize for my actions lately."

Evan: *scoffs* "I need no apology, you owe an apology to Dahlia."

Ty: *nods* "How mad is she with me?"

Evan: *shrugs* "I don't know, she doesn't worry about you.."

Ty: *this comment pierces his heart* "Of course she doesn't."

Evan: *glares at him* "You will stop seeing Corina and that's an order." *he says stern*

Ty: "That won't be a problem."

Evan: "Straighten up your act. Do not make any sly comments at Dahlia anymore, or you will no longer reside on this earth.. got it?"

Ty: *fidgets, dropping his head* "Y-yes sir. I understand."

Evan: *smirks* "As for Dahlia, that's not up to me. You'll have to take that up with her."

Ty: *laughs hesitantly* "I'm sure she'll come around."

Evan: "Sure she will." "Let's schedule dinner then, huh. Come over this weekend for dinner, we'll all have a family discussion."

Ty: "I would like nothing more."


Hello readers, I hope you bunch enjoyed reading Part 11

Thanks much for reading, as always feel free to comment and vote to let me know what you lot think of the story so far!

*See you next week with another upload*

         the Jaded Hearts Club <3

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