Short Scene #4

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Setting- (A month later at Dahlia's apartment)

-Story Calendar Check-

Dahlia: *sitting at her desk doing work, she gets a text from Evan*

Dahlia: *checks her phone and smiles at it*

E- I miss you come over... 🙁

D- 😋 You miss me everyday...

D- I have to run to the store, then i'll be

E- No, I want you now 😡

D- Baby, I need stuff from the store 🙄

E- Are you rolling your eyes at me?

D- Maybe.......

E- I'm coming with you to the store

D- Okay, if you want 😀

E- You want my driver, or do you want to drive here?

D- I can drive 😅

E- Okay, be safe princess 😘

Read 1 minute ago...

Dahlia: *starts getting ready, grabs her purse and heads out the door*


*Welcome all old and new readers, a month has gone by in "EverLasting" ... It's OCTOBER*

I hope you all enjoy this short short scene, up next is another short scene... so keep reading!


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