Part 2

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Setting (Evan's room)

Dahlia: *tossing and turning, reliving last night's encounter in her dreams* *she wakes up, remembering what Evan whispered in her ear last night*

Dahlia: *she smells something good cooking out in the kitchen* *she gets out of bed, checking her phone and heads out to the kitchen*

Evan: *out in the kitchen, watching her walk down the hallway* "Goodmorning, my love."

Dahlia: "I wasn't wet at all in the car last night actually, & by the way it's Inez not Mancini."

Evan: *laughs under his breath* "You're pure torture."

Dahlia: *ignoring the chef cooking a deliciously smelling breakfast* "Where are more of my clothes?"

Evan: "Sit down and eat, the chef has been preparing this for you this morning."

Dahlia: "That's nice of him, but I'm going to brunch."

Evan: "Going to brunch with who?" *knowing he went through her phone and knows everything*

Dahlia: "Does it matter?" *she says rolling her eyes, not in the mood for an argument*

Evan: *starts getting irritated* "You're right, it doesn't matter." "Good that you'll be gone anyways, my girlfriend is coming over today."

Dahlia: *her blood starts to boil at the thought of him having someone else* "Hm, for a second there I thought you said your girlfriend was coming over."

Evan: "I did say that.." *he says, testing her patience*

Dahlia: "Why the hell would you bring me here, & do all of this if you have a girlfriend?" *she says angrily*

Dahlia: "Who is she, huh."

Evan: "Corina, so I'll need you gone."

Dahlia: *she fumes with rage at that name* *she decides to play his game* "Where are more of my clothes, I have to meet Ty."

Evan: *stares daggers at her* "Meet who..?"

Dahlia: "You heard me." *she says challenging him*

Evan: *laughs under his breath, but is angry that she mentioned him* "Hm, so it's not Corina you're supposed to be meeting for brunch?"

Dahlia: *looks puzzled* "Why do you know that?"

Evan: *smirks* "Your phone of course, what do you have for her?"

Dahlia: *rolls her eyes, annoyed he went through her phone* "Why did you look through my phone?"

Evan: "Why did you call my brother last night, huh?" *he says, trying to stay calm*

Dahlia: *smirks* "Seriously, you're the worst & I will never, ever get back together with you."

Evan: *laughs in her face* "Your clothes are in the drawer, you agreed to play the game, what can I say?"

Dahlia: "Let's play the game then, shall we." "I always win." *she says smirking & walking towards the room*

Dahlia: *goes through the drawers looking for something simple to wear*

Dahlia: *finds a short skirt and cute top* *decides to play the game real well*

Dahlia: *gets dressed and gets ready to go* *she pulls her phone out to send a quick text to Corina*

Dahlia: *walks out of the room and finds Evan staring at her with a furious face*

Evan: "What the fuck do you think you're wearing?"

Dahlia: *she smirks, ignoring him and trying to walk past him*

Evan: *grabs her arm harshly* "Go take it off. Now." *he says angrily*

Dahlia: "No, I'm not your girlfriend.." *she says politely, which makes Evan even more furious*

Evan: *grabs her by the throat and pushes her up against the wall* "Are you that dense, you know I don't have a girlfriend.. so don't even pull that shit with me right now." "Take it off."

Dahlia: *scoffs under her breath* "Are you dense?" "I know you don't, but if you wanna play dirty, so will I." "I'm not taking it off."

Evan: *grabs her by the arm & drags her to the room* *he opens the drawers and picks out something modest and simple* *he throws the clothes on the bed* "Change." *he says in a demanding tone*

Dahlia: *rolls her eyes* "I'm not–"

Evan: *sighs & throws her on the bed* *he gets on top of her and holds her down*

Dahlia: *she gets flustered* "Evan, stop." "Get off of me, I have to go."

Evan: *he bends down, smelling her hair* "Is that what you really want?"

Dahlia: *flustered and already getting wet, knowing she can't fight it*

Dahlia: "Get off."

Evan: *he smirks* "Say please." *he begins kissing her neck sensually*

Dahlia: *moans at the touch of his lips on her neck, she doesn't want to fight it*

Evan: *he begins leaving hickies on her neck, & runs his hands through her hair*

Dahlia: *she can feel how hard he is, but can't muster the words stop*

Evan: *he starts kissing her down her body and takes her skirt off*

Dahlia: *she moans, not being able to control herself* "Please" *she whispered hoarsely*

Evan: *he groans at her* "Please what?" *as he slides her panties off and sees how wet she has become*

Dahlia: *her cheeks swelter and flush from embarrassment and loss*

Evan: *he groans at her* "You're so fucking wet babygirl"

Dahlia: *flustered*

Evan: *he comes back up and takes her top off* *kissing her furiously*

Dahlia: *kisses him back, longing for more and more with each kiss*

Evan: *he starts rubbing her, his fingers becoming soaked from her* "Mhmm"

Evan: *he tries to gain control back of himself, because he just wanted her to change*

Evan: *he stops achingly and gets up* "Put your clothes on, now."

Dahlia: *looks defeated and sexually frustrated*

Evan: "Costello will drive you when you are dressed." "Better hurry, you're already late." *he smirks*

Dahlia: *she comes to her senses* "I don't need a driver, & I want my clothes sent back to my apartment because I am not coming back."

Evan: *laughs a little* "He'll make sure you get back." *exits the room*

Dahlia: "Yeah, we'll see" *she says under her breath, trying to get herself together*


*Readers, I really hope you enjoyed Part 2! It gets just a little frisky in this part, but I really enjoyed writing this*

PSA- When it comes to writing "sexual" parts.. idk what to tell y'all, you get what you get because yeah...


*There was a new character introduced named "Costello." Mr. Costello is another one of Evan's trusted bodyguards/security/drivers.*

P.S. - Go check out my comment that I left for this part, much appreciated!


the Jaded Hearts Club <3

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