Part 7

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Setting- (Evan's Social Club)

Evan: *in his office, having a meeting* *gets an incoming call from Dahlia* "Hi, baby."

Dahlia: "Hi honey, I'm here."

Evan: "Alright, Accardo is down there waiting for you.. I'll see you in a bit."

Dahlia: "Okay." *hangs up the phone*

Evan: *hears a knock on the door* *one of his men open the door*

Evan: *he smiles when she walks in* "Hi baby." *he says embracing her in a hug*

Dahlia: *smiles at him and hugs him back*

Evan: *he motions for her to come sit beside him*

Dahlia: *she follows him to the meeting table and takes a seat beside him*

Evan: "Alright, where were we?" *he says to the others in the room*

Evan: *he discusses how his current social club is going* "We keep our stats regularly updated for the revenue of the club and it's only been increasing since we first opened. We monitor how active the social club is at the end of every night. Since the grand opening of our first social club, it has been active from the time we open those doors to the time they close."

Dahlia: *listens to him intently and reports all of their stats for the social club*

Evan: *he brings up ideas of his new club, Dahlia's* "Since our first club has been open for almost 5 years now and has remarkable stats; we're in the midst of opening up a new club called Dahlia's."

Evan: "However, Dahlia's will not be a social club. The atmosphere will be completely different from this one." "Dahlia has put together a proposal for our new club, so let's give her our undivided attention." *he turns, smirking at her*

Dahlia: *nods* *she presents the ideas and designs for the new club that she put together*

–After the meeting–

Evan: *sighs* "Well, I think that went well." *he says, gathering his things*

Dahlia: *nods* "Mhm, we've got a lot of work to do." *she says, gathering her things*

Evan: *heads out the door with Dahlia* "Lucchi get you here safely?"

Dahlia: *nods, giggling* "Yes, he did."

Evan: *smirks* "Good, precious cargo."

Evan: *looks at her sensing she is a bit off* "Are you okay?"

Dahlia: *nods* "Yes, just feeling tired today.."

Evan: "You're not pregnant are you?" *he says, slightly worried*

Dahlia: *laughs under her breath* "No.."

Evan: "Mhm, you know I only fuck you without a condom on.."

Dahlia: "I know.." *she says, rolling her eyes*

Evan: "How do you know you aren't pregnant?" *he says, concern in his voice*

Dahlia: "Because, I took a test this morning.."

Evan: *pulls her aside and stops walking* "Lucchi, get the car ready."

Lucchi: *nods* "Yes sir." *walks away*

Evan: *looks at her, caressing her cheek* "Why are you so down baby?"

Dahlia: "Nothing, I don't know I guess the thought of having a baby.. idk." *she shrugs*

Evan: *trying to read her* "Mhm.." *grabs her hand and continues walking*

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