Chapter: 0 {Introduction}

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Hello there, this is the Introduction to
Okay?Okay. (Reyton)
Rowan and Peyton are both in high school (11th grade) at Ocean Breeze Academy, this school is a private school and is extremely hard to get into. Just like at any other school you have your clicks, Peyton is with all the Cheerleaders and the Sporty people, Peyton is considered one of the hottest guys at this school other then John Blake Mcallister. Olivia Struck who played Missy on Girl Meets World is also in this book, Rowan and Olivia hate each other, they always have. When Olivia tries reminding Peyton to stay in his place and not fall out into the wrong crowd stuff escalates to a whole other level! Read to find out!

Meet the main Characters:

As you read you will be introduced to a lot of characters in this book but I'm going to start you off with some main characters.

Rowan Blanchard (Niles): Rowan (16 years old) is extremely smart! She has a older (Step) brother (Jonathan Niles) who is 22 years old and has moved out already. Rowan's father died when she was 6 her mother remarried when Rowan was 12, Jonathan came along with the package of her new (Step) father. Rowan and her (Step) father have never been close although Jonathan and Rowan start to get closer in the book when she starts dealing with high school drama.

Peyton Meyer: (17 years old) Peyton has a perfect life, both of his parents are alive and healthy he lives in a three story house with a huge backyard that has a pool, basketball court, and a jacuzzi. Peyton has always tried being
Mr. Perfect and has successfully succeeded. That is until he starts to date Rowan.

Olivia Struck: (17 years old)
Olivia is the head Cheerleader, she is rich and popular. She has had a crush on Peyton since they both started 8th grade at Ocean Breeze Academy! Peyton and Olivia did date once but as a dare, little did Peyton know that Olivia is the one who told Chris to dare them that dare! Olivia does whatever she can to make Rowan's life extra hard. Sometimes she'll call her names or sometimes get physical like bumping into her, slamming her locker door as she just opens it, and even taking her personal stuff like markers, papers, and books. So yea Olivia is the typical bully.

Christian (Chris) Orozco: (17 years old) Chris used to be friends with Rowan but that friendship ended in 10th grade. Chris and Rowan often pass each other and never talk. Chris is now best friends with Peyton John Blake.

Jonathan Niles:
(22 years old) Jonathan is Rowan's older (Step) brother. He moved out right after High School and went to Collage, he has a job at Hot Topic where he works everyday at night from 7-10PM. Jonathan has never cared or even went out of his way to talk to Rowan. But his mind changes when he sees Rowan going through hard times.

Kaiya Stone: (16 Years Old)
Kaiya is best friends with Olivia, they have been friends since the dawn of time, but get into a huge fight at the end of the year.

John Blake Mcallister:
(17 years old) John is the hottest boy at
Ocean Breeze Academy, he's best friends with Chris and Peyton. They are all extremely popular and sporty!

Okay so those are the main characters you definitely need to know! Enjoy the book! Also my Italics on my phone never work and I don't know why! They stopped working ever since the update so sorry about that! Also I hope you enjoy this book because I have big plans and I feel like this book should do really good because it has an amazing story line!

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