Chapter: 44 {Prom} Part : 2

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* John Blake's  POV *

  I get a text making me look up from the screen as I put my phone on silent,

Kaiya❤️: Hey I'll be there in 10!

  Just then I hear someone say "Forever" and surely enough there's Rowan and Peyton kissing each other.
Usually it would hurt but this didn't.... Was I over her? Perhaps. Or maybe I was just trying to get over the fact that Rowan isn't mine.

  I look to my left the! to my right deciding if I should leave or not... Then I do.

  I awkwardly pretend I'm meeting Kaiya even though that was where I was suppose to meet her and walk off fastly.

* Peyton's POV *

  I wanna trust Rowan, I love her but there's this gut feeling inside of me ya know? She's so pretty and perfect. God I'm an idiot so starstruck for a girl who probably will leave me soon. We've never lasted long, it's always been a few weeks, a month at the most... Without John we would last forever but her feelings for him aren't completely gone.

"Want me to walk you home now?" I ask shyly.


"Well I was thinking-"

"Well stop Peyton, I wanna be with you." She says.

"Then let's go!" I say as I grab her hand and lead her through the park, beyond the playground, the trees, and into the forest.

We walk around for a but and talk... A lot. At moments she gets scared and crosses her arm with mine and other times she acts all tough.

Then at that moment I do it, sure sure I had something else planned and didn't want it to exactly go like this but I say it.

"Rowan, I really like you... A lot! Your so amazing.... And funny dude and I had something totally different then this but, will you go to Prom with me??" I ask.

* Rowan's POV *

   What he just said replays in my head as I try to jumble up the courage to say "Yes!"

"Omg, yes! Yes!" I say happily.

"I know it's just prom and it's nothing special but still Ro-"

"No it is special!" I say happily as I then hold his hand all the way back to my house.

  When we get there it's empty with a sticky note to the door.

  Gone back to explore the world, we've never been great parents. We will continue to pay the rent and send lots of money but I think the family's at its best when we aren't with you guys.
~Mom and Dad

"Ha, they... Uh lasted... Pretty long this ti... Time." I say.


"It's ok." I say.

"No it's not."

"It is Peyton... I'm fine."

"If you say so Love."

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