Chapter: 41 {Goodbye}

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  "So it's actually happening." Said Rowan as she walked over to John who was opening his car door.

"Oh. Uh... Hey Rowan." He said politely.

"You know you could've told me how you felt. I would've listened." Said Rowan truthfully.

"Oh yea cause I'm going to say Rowan stop kissing your boyfriend I still love you." Said John sarcastically.

"I saw your kiss with Kaiya last night. Is that going anywhere?" Asked Rowan.

"Oh... I don't know-"

"Well you should... You kissed her... Do you like her?" Asked Rowan.

"Rowan look I gotta go." Said John turning away.

"John wait!" Said Rowan reaching out for his hand. "I care about you. I need to know you'll be alright!" She continued.

"Rowan I can take care of myself." Said John.

"I know but John-"

"Let go." He said interrupting Rowan.

  Rowan let go and took a step back.

"Sorry I-"

"Look I'll miss you Rowan but this is what I have to do... I don't exactly have a choice." Said John.

"John you always have a choice." Said Rowan.

"Don't do this." Said John sadly.

"Don't do what? Talk to you?" Asked Rowan.

"Rowan I can't. I really really like you!" Said John.

"Then do me a favor and move on John. I like you to but I'm with Peyton and I'm happy. Please John. Take Kaiya out and see where that goes!" Said Rowan.

"Rowan I can't just take a girl out and instantly get rid of these feelings I have for you! It's not like that-"

"John take her out, have fun, date her, forget about me just I want you to be happy!" Said Rowan.


"John! Please? For me?" Asked Rowan.

"Ill see." Said John as he turned away and hopped into his car.

Honk... Honk....

"You ready kiddo!" Yelled Jonathan from Rowan's driveway.

"Yea!" Said Rowan as she ran to the car.

Okay so short chapter but I will update again soon! Much love to you all!
• Will John Blake date Kaiya?
• Admit it do you miss Rosh?
• Chris? Where is Chris and what's going on with him in his life?
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See you soon WATTPADERS! 💘

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